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                   Jack's POV
Jack was aware of his surroundings, and could hear muffled, fuzzy voice speaking somewhere. He recognized Mark's voice and assumed the other was the doctor's. All he could understand about the other voice was that it was female. He couldn't understand what they were saying and it bothered him. Obviously, they were talking about him and he wanted to scream.
"I'm right here!!! I can hear you!!! Don't leave me here!!! (Authors note: my phone is being a pain and won't let me underline bold or italicizes so sorry. 🙂)
After a few more minutes of trying to understand what Mark and supposedly the doctor were talking about, he gave up and let his exhaustion take him over.
Marks POV
Mark was hunched over, his head in his heads. He felt sick. He felt like his head was going to explode. He felt like someone had ripped out his heart and run away with it. But instead, they shot through Sean's
chest and shattered one of his ribs.
Sean, the name went through his over and over again. Sean. Such a beautiful name. And such a beautiful face to go with it.
Mark felt yet another silent tear fall down his cheek. If Sean died, so would Mark. He couldn't imagine living in a world without Jack. And he wouldn't, for it broke his heart every time.
Finally, he saw a doctor walk into the hallway. She was a beautiful woman with dark skin and piercing green eyes. She walked slowly over to where he was sitting.
"Mark?", she asked, looking at him.
Mark stood up in response, he studied the doctor's face, but he couldn't read it. He couldn't figure out what she was thinking. So, he braced himself for the worst and followed the doctor into the hallway.
    Also guys just a quick note I know absolutely nothing about doctoring crap so yeah. Apologies. This is just what I would guess would happen.
               Marks POV
     When Mark walked into Jack's room, his heart dropped; he looked absolutely awful. He had a breathing tube in his nose to help him breathe, he had a heart rate monitor giving a monotone pulse. He had an IV in his skin and he was still so deathly pale and had dark circles under his eyes. He was asleep at the moment, and if Mark wasn't so terrified for his life, he'd think it was absolutely adorable.
     "Thankfully, your..." she didn't know how they were affiliated with each other. Mark didn't either.
     What were they, he wondered? Since he didn't know he just told her:
      "Well, your friend here isn't dead. The bullet he was shot with went between his lungs and almost punctured his left lung. Luckily enough, it didn't. So he just needs to stay here for another week or so, (I don't know how long he'd be there. I'm just guessing) and then he can go home to recover the rest of the way.
     Mark felt as if the world was just lifted up off his shoulders. Jack was going to be ok. Jack was going to be ok. He couldn't believe it. But he was so grateful and sank down into a chair and took Sean's hand in his own.
     "Don't worry, Jack. I won't leave your side. Not now, not ever"
     Before Mark even knew it, he was asleep.

My Boyfriend From Heaven- Septiplierजहाँ कहानियाँ रहती हैं। अभी खोजें