Take Care Pt.2

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The more I stayed the better he felt. That's all I wanted. Things were off to a slow start for him. He wasn't moving around too much, or eating for that matter. "Feel better." I whispered as he slept beside me, unmoving aside from the gentle rise and fall of his chest. I raised his shirt a bit and examined his cuts. They were healing...slowly, but surely. I put my hand on his chest. He stirred a bit and looked up at me. "What are you doing?" he asked, tired. "Just checking on you." I said. "I need to run home, I've been wearing these same clothes ever since I found you." I hated leaving Mark behind, but I had no choice. I was quite sure my jogging clothes reeked like a bum's. I called a cab and dashed home. Where is that damn bag? I wondered as I rummaged through my closet. I found my items and stuffed them into my bag, rushing myself. I ran into my bathroom and stuffed my makeup and hair items in on top of everything else.I'll shower at Mark's I guess. I thought looking at my shower. My cabbie honked impatiently, jerking me back into reality. I rushed back outside and practically threw myself into the car. "Back to where you got me." I said, checking my phone for any missed messages and calls. Nothing. That either meant that Mark was fine, or something was wrong. My heart raced and I couldn't relax until I was back by Mark's side. He was sleeping again. Good. Resting was important right now for him. I ran some water in the tub and jumped in. It felt good to relax after all that had gone on. All of the sleepless nights, worrying, and stress melted off as I laid in the tub washing off the woes with the dirt. I sighed, content for a moment. I drained the tub and peeked out at Mark. Still sleeping. I toweled off and got dressed, discarding my dirty clothes into a grocery bag that was coveniently left inside of my duffle bag for some reason. I took a seat next to Mark who opened his eyes and looked at me. "You're back." he said softly. "Yeah, I came back." I said, playing with his hair. "(Y/N), I need to start walking around." he said, sighing. I could tell he was NOT up to walking or even moving. I was unsure, and nervous about helping him up, but we were well aware that he couldn't lay down for the rest of his life. I grabbed his hand and pulled him up into a sitting position. He looked at me for a long time. "I'm really glad you jog by my house." he said, cracking the first smile I'd seen in days. I forced a laugh. I was too nervous and upset to get fully involved in a light conversation. "Come on, help me up." he said. He was so weak, I was worried about helping him move, but I did. I got him to his feet. "Baby steps, Mark." I said. He looked at me and rolled his eyes. "Alright mom." he said. His first few steps were shaky, and then he just gave up. "No energy." he muttered, sitting on the side of the bed. "You need  a doctor." I said, reaching for my phone. He shook his head. There had to be something that I could do. That's when it hit me. "I need to make a call, no don't worry, I'm not calling 911. I'll be right back." I walked out of his room and sat on the steps praying that Dark would answer his phone. When he did, I gave him the run down of what had gone on. "I'm there." he told me and when I looked up he was literally in front of me. I hung up the phone. Neither of us spoke, we just simply approached Mark. His eyes widened a bit. "What are you doing here?" Mark asked. "(Y/N) told me what happened. So. Who should I kill?" Mark shook his head. "No one. I don't even know who did it." "Just fix him, Dark." I pleaded. He looked over at me before placing his hands on Mark, healing the wounds and breathing a new energy back into Mark. "I wondered why you were bleeding the other day." Dark mumbled. "Guess I should've checked on you." Mark breathed a sigh of relief. "Much better." he said. "I guess I should've said something to you sooner. It didn't even cross my mind." "You're awarded with one of the best companions a human could have and I don't even cross your mind? Figures. I know I cross your eyes though." Dark said, disappearing into black smoke. "He scares me." I said, sitting next to Mark. "He scares me too, sometimes." Mark said, standing. "I feel great." he stretched. "He even got rid of those surgical scars." he said, admiring his body. I was admiring it, too. "You on the other hand...thank you." he said, bringing me into a hug. "I don't know what I would've done had you not happened along." I think we both knew what would've happened. "This is why we're best friends (y/n), I can always count on you." I breathed out my sigh of relief. "I have a lot of videos to make up for...but first there's something I want to do." He let me out of the hug and I looked at him. He smiled and then leaned in and kissed me deeply.My breath hitched in my throat.He flicked his tongue across my lower lip and I granted him entry. We bumped into each other and he moaned into the kiss, holding me as close to his body as he could manage. He broke the kiss to leave a trail of bites and kisses down my neck. I took a few shaky breaths before sliding his boxers down and going to my knees. "What are you doing?" Mark asked. I looked up at him. I didn't really have an answer. "(Y/N), you've done enough for me already...this is about making you feel good." He picked me up and pushed me onto the bed, tugging on my pants. They slid down easily and I felt his mouth traveling down my legs until it rested on my core. I squirmed a bit trying to hide my arousal. Mark dipped his tongue into my heat, swirling it around, coating it in juices.  "Mark..." I muttered, grabbing his hair. He continued, going as deep as his tongue would allow until I hit a rushed climax. He crawled on top of me and slammed himself in. Obviously he was feeling much better. "(Y/N), you feel so good.." he moaned, looking me straight in the eyes. The sounds pouring out of his mouth were incredible, I ate them up. He purred my name as he thrust into me deeply, not caring about anything else in the world. "God, Mark! I'm gonna-" "Me too!" he panted over me. He pulled out and covered my abdomen. "God." he panted, hunched over. "You are so...amazing." he chuckled as he caught his breath. He looked at me with his sparkling brown eyes. "I will never forget this. I owe you my life (y/n)." I blushed. "Don't see it that way. You're my friend, why wouldn't I do this?" He kissed me again. "Come do a video with me. Please?" I giggled. "I dunno about that...I'm not good on camera." Mark scowled. "You'll be fine. Plleeeease?" he asked, begging like a child. I laughed. "Alright, but just once." I said, going with him to record.

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