The Promise Or Ice Cream And Movies

Start from the beginning

On the bus to Ed's house, I impatiently tapped my fingers on my leg, desperately trying not to freak out. My inner fangirl was screaming with excitement, as I walked up the path to Ed's house. Being back here at his house hurt in some ways because the last time I had walked up here I had held Louis' hand which felt cold and empty now. I had also puked my guts out in Ed's bathroom, but that was an experience I wanted to forget as soon as possible. Unfortunately, that didn't mean that the rest of the world was ready to let it go so quickly. 

"Hey, love." Ed opened the door seconds after I had rang the door bell and pulled me into a hug which I returned. "Hi, Ed." I smiled, suddenly a bit shy, and hesitantly stepped into his house. "Come on in. As long as you don't puke anywhere, we'll be fine." he attempted a joke and I sent him a playful glare, but couldn't help myself from letting a smile creep upon my face. "How have you been?" Ed asked me and carefully took my guitar out of my hands. "Okay, I guess. Uni is keeping me busy." He raised an eyebrow at me. "I heard that you broke up with Louis?" he asked me and I felt my face fall. "Yes, that, too. I am feeling like shit because of it. Has he told you about us?" I asked him while I took off my shoes and neatly placed him next to Ed's shoes. "No, it was actually Harry who told me." 

Ed's reply made look up at him. "Harry knows?" My voice was at least an octave higher than usual and I cleared my throat. "He mentioned on the phone yesterday. Apparently, Louis told him." Ed explained carefully and I gulped and then looked down at my hands. "Are you okay?" he asked, concern laced in his voice and I looked up again and nodded. "Peachy. Let's go and write some songs." I suggested in an enthusiastic tone which made him laugh. "The music room is the first one to your right." My bag in my shaking hand, I slowly walked down the corridor, admiring the photos on the walls, before I stopped in front of a white door. Ed seemed to have disappeared into the kitchen with my guitar, so I hesitantly turned the door knob.

I involuntarily took a sharp breath when I stepped into the room. At least seven different guitars were spread across the room, hanging on the walls and lying on the floor and the big sofa which was situated in the middle of the room. A grande piano stood in front of a large recording booth section and a cello lay was peaking out behind the sofa. My favourite bit about the room, however, was the large table in front of the sofa which was littered with loose pieces of papers, hundreds, maybe thousands of lines of lyrics right in front of me. Still in awe, I stepped further into the room and let my eyes wander over the beautiful instruments. 

The sound of footsteps made me snap out of my state of pure awe and I looked up to see Ed enter the room with my guitar in one hand, and two bottles of water in the other one. "Oh, make yourself comfortable." After gently placing my guitar on the floor, he quickly walked over to the sofa and pushed some loose paper aside to that there was enough space for the two of us to sit down. When he started to get some organisation into the chaos on his table, I stopped him. "Oh, please don't tidy up on my account. I love it in here." I gave him a wide smile and he chuckled and sat back down after placing the bottles on the table. 

Still a little bit shy, I sat down next to him and took my guitar out of my case. "Wow, that's a beauty." he complimented my guitar and I smiled proudly. Ed's skilled eyes wandered over my guitar and I blushed a bit and gently strummed down the strings. "Thank you, my dad gave it to me when I was ten." We quickly tuned our guitars in sync, before Ed shot me an inviting look. "Okay, what kind of songs do you usually write and how do you write them?" he asked me curiously and I reached down to my bag and took out my notebook which contained all of my songs. 

"Well, I usually have some sort of melody in my head, but for me it's all about the lyrics, really. I love writing in general and if I write lyrics with a fitting melody that's great, but it's not why I write." I tried to explained and flicked through the pages. "Can you maybe play me one of your songs? Perhaps something you have written more recently so that I can get a feel for your style?" Ed asked me and I felt my cheeks heating up. "I have actually never played anything for anyone." I admitted quietly, and looked through my note book for a good song to play. "Please?" Ed asked me and in that moment I decided to trust him. "Okay, um, I will play you a song that no one has even seen before. I wrote this after my dad passed away in January, and, um, yeah..." I shot him an awkward glance, before taking a deep breath. I closed my eyes and imagined my dad being here who I had written this song for and began to sing. My voice was a bit shaky during the first verse, but it grew stronger throughout the song.

"Now you're gone, Now you're far, far away, But I stand here crying, knowing, You promised you'd never leave me! And you keep your promises, You keep your promises, You keep your promises, Yeah, you keep your promises."  I finished off the song with one last strum and after a couple of seconds I was finally mustered up the courage to look up at Ed again, only to see that he was very moved. "Wow, now I know what Harry meant." My head probably resembled a tomato by now and I looked back down at my lab. "That is a beautiful song, Claire. Thank you for sharing it with me." Ed thanked me quietly and gave my shoulder a light squeeze. "Thank you. That means a lot, especially coming from you." I smiled at him and then looked back down at my notebook again. "Well, I was aiming for something a bit more, well, happier." I chuckled and closed my notebook. Ed laughed and then pulled a blank piece of paper and a pen towards us. "I agree with you on that one, now, let's see what we can come up with." 

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