The Murder of One

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Hey guys,

Sorry for my long absence but I've been pretty busy lately, it's the same old excuse but I can't help it, anyway so now I'm back with another chapter and I'm so excited and happy with where this plot is going.

I know you guys are just dying to know who the father is in this chapter you'll find out who, but I think most of you have already guessed whose it is so I won't say anything and let you guys read on.

Oh! Before you start reading I want you guys to pick out who you want Laura to end up with because I'm having a dilemma between the Salvatore boys. This is just a survey. Actually my ending is quite different to what you guys would want so don't expect too much, but it'll be great. I'll remind you guys at the end because you guys probably won't read this bit.

Please enjoy and leave a comment after.

<3 <3 <3

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Laura's POV

Ric had only just moved out and I already miss him, it's heartbreaking to hear that his alter ego wants to kill me but I can't help but feel lonely without him here. He must've not had breakfast yet because I always make him one every morning.

So this morning I woke up early to make his share and drove down to his apartment and knocked on his door. But I was not pleased when I saw Damon who opened it instead.

He answered with his signature flirty smirk. "Morning sunshine."

I rolled my eyes at him. "How's Ric?" I asked and I tried to get in when he blocked me. "Indecent, but fine." He answered.

I look at him slightly suspicious but I didn't give it much thought but I thought it was Damon being Damon. "Meaning there was no issues last night, he didn't attack you or anything?" I asked.

"Nope. Slept like a baby, woke up Alaric. No head minds about dead Council members." He answered swiftly which made me even more suspicious of him.

"Then why do I feel like you're hiding something from me?" I tried to get a peek inside but he slightly closed the door to block my view.

"Or maybe it's because you're being very hostile towards me which is not very nice of you." He said earning him a glare. "What'd you bring me?" He took the bag from me and sniffed it.

"Ooo, blueberries and waffles. You know what they say; a way to a man's heart is through his stomach." He smirked.

I snatch back the bag. "They're not for you, now let me in." I tried to push my way in after scolding him but he kept blocking me from getting in.

"Fine. Keep convincing yourself you're still mad at me. But sadly, Ric's gonna have to miss Laura time today. You know lockdown and all." He said which gave me more reason to believe they were up to something but this was Damon, he wasn't going to tell me anything, not that I want to know.

"Fine, just take it and give it to him and tell him that I miss him, okay?" I asked and handed him the bag.

"With pleasure." He grinned. I rolled my eyes. "Have a great day, thanks for coming by." He closed the door on me.

"Damon..." I tried to get the last word but it was too late. I stared coldly at the door before shaking my head at him through the door.

I sighed to myself before walking out of the apartment.

~ ~ ~

A few hours later I was about to head to the hospital to have my usual doctor's appointment with Meredith when I got a text from Stefan telling me there was a meeting near the ruins of Fell's Church. I figured that this has something to do with the Mikaelsons otherwise why on earth were we meeting in the woods.

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