Our Town

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Laura's POV

"You have got to be kidding me?" I glared at Elena who was ignoring me to decorate Caroline's locker.

It's her birthday today but I don't think Caroline would be happy if she saw me crashing her party.

This morning I saw Jeremy packing his bags, he told me that he's leaving for Denver. Knowing Jeremy, he wouldn't just leave when all this is happening with Klaus still around.

I figured Elena had something to do with this, he was saying some things that sounded a lot like Elena.

"You saw what happened yesterday, Laura?" Elena defended, sticking a tangled ribbon to the top corner.

"I gave Rebekah to Klaus, he gave me his word he wouldn't harm Jeremy. I bought our brother his life." I remind her.

"And you believe that he won't go back on his word for it?" She questioned in doubt. "No. But at least I'm not forcing Jeremy to leave."

"He's not safe here." She pointed out.

"No one is. So what now you're gonna have Damon compel Matt to leave town too." She kept her mouth shut and looked away.

"You're taking his choice away!"

"I'm trying to keep him safe, something you're not even trying to do!" She argued.

"He's not a child anymore. He can make his own choice. You hardly got away with it last time, don't think you can do it again."

"Hey, what's going on?" Bonnie came up to us with a birthday poster in her hand, looking at us with concern.

"Did you know Jeremy's leaving?" I asked her. She looks at me confused. "Did you know Elena had Damon compel Jeremy to leave town?"

I broke the news to her and she stared at Elena wide eyes in shock. "You did what?"

Elena stuttered on her words when she faced Bonnie. "It's not safe for him here anymore. Bonnie. Leaving will give him a better life."

"That doesn't mean you can compel him to leave!" I yelled at her.

"There isn't another choice, he'll die if he stays here!" She argued. "What makes you think I won't tell him this?" I glared.

"No, Laura. You can't tell him!" She grab onto my arm to prevent me from leaving.

"Why? You gonna compel not to?"

I slap her arm away before walking off, letting Bonnie deal with her because I know she's twice as upset as I was

~ ~ ~ ~ ~ ~

I ditched school feeling a bit moody so I head out to go on a shopping spree. Remembering that it's Caroline's birthday, I picked out a gift for her. Even though we haven't made up yet but we've been friends for years.

It wouldn't hurt to send her a present. I had the store wrap up the gift for me because I couldn't be bothered to do so myself.

Knowing that Caroline's not home right now, I drove to her house. I noticed the sheriff's car was not there either, so I was safe to walk up to the porch.

I walked up to the front door, checking through the window making sure no one was home. I left the small gift on the doormat and returned to my car. I didn't write her a card because I didn't want her to know I left her a gift.

~ ~ ~ Night Fall ~ ~ ~

I walked out of the house towards my car when I felt someone's presences lurking behind me. I cautiously turned around and saw no one but me.

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