Then the familiar voice of their childhood friend rang cheerfully through the air:

"Kufufufu~ That's the spirit Chikusa, Ken. Though, I won't let you have all the fun killing them. Remember what Tsunayoshi said, we have to share."

All of the people in the chamber wiped their heads to the voice's source. All eyes widen in surprise.

"MUKURO!" -Ken and Chikusa shouted in joy, huge smiles on their tears strain faces.

"So you have survived! How wonderful! The "Hell's eye" project was a success after all!"

"This is indeed a miracle! We have to inform our boss immediately!"

The scientists cheered excitedly.

"Kufufufu. That is if you're still alive to inform him, filthy mafioso."

"Wh-" -he was stabbed by the sharp three-point-spike of the trident's blades right at his throat. Blood splashed out like a broken dam, red, hot, sticky liquid drifted down from the trident's spike blades.

"You-UGH!" -another one was taken down by Ken with his tiger channel, his sharp fangs ripped the man head off his neck.

"It's not fair to started off first, byon!"

Ken grinned viciously as Chikusa silently finished the third and final one in the chamber with his two trusted (full of poison needles) yoyo, a satisfied smirk appeared on his face.

"Kufufufu~ Alright then, I would like to test the power I've received when I've died went through six paths of reincarnation earlier on these filthy mafioso." -he paused and started again.

"Oh, and free the others, I'm sure that they would love to have their fair share of fun killing these bastards, too. The more people we have, the easier it's to find Tsunayoshi." -Mukuro said with a maniacal smirk on his face, the mischievous and that arrogant smirk on his face has yet to falter. If anything, they grew wider and more vicious.

Not to mention, all of the children that the Estraneo has imprisoned were all transported back at this main laboratory that day. What a marvelous opportunity to throw a party of killing and revenge... Okay, that sounds so wrong for children to have such idea...

Chikusa and Ken smiled/grinned a little too cheerfully at the thought of all the children were out for a killing carnival and a bloody feast. They nodded eagerly and speeded out.

'Let the carnival begin!'

Hours of torturous screams, gun shots, explosions, slaughtering sounds, horrified cried, crazy illusions, colorful flames, bursts of powers, insane transforms, dangerous "cursed gifts" were unleashed wildly. The sounds kept the demons in Hell awake.

The gate way to Hell was opened.

This time those trashes that were so fucking worthless that need to be burned (as one Varia's boss would dub them) were the source of those miserable sounds. The children were the ones opened the gate to those trashes misery ends.

Estraneo's main secret laboratory was demolished in one day.

Why there weren't any helps or backups came... Well...

At the same time. Estraneo's other secret laboratories.

The gate ways to Hell were somewhat opened there as well. Like black-holes sucked away trashes a.k.a members of the Estraneo. The forces of Vongola and CEDEF wiped them off clear and clean, all at once.

(KHR Fanfic) The Sawada's Siblings Unde poveștirile trăiesc. Descoperă acum