III. Goodnight for Me

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Yuri Katsuki here once again!

Where'd we leave off? Ah...Wait, what?! I-Is Victor going to kiss me?!

"V....Victor...." I gasped out in a steady breath, staring back at my idol shakily.

"Yuri~" Victor's lips purred, just a second away from my own. I could practically feel the contact of his lips on mine before he quickly pulled back, smiling back at me with a flirtatious wink. "And that is what I am thinking for you, Yuri." He said with a laugh, my eyes widening. "Yuri, the piece that I'm creating for you is a sexual type of thing; something that'll surprise the audience." He explained as he pulled back, warmth leaving.

"It's a type of sexual love. Pleasure built on pleasure, making hearts race and minds fogged. Tell me....Did I do that to you~?" He asked and leaned forward, my heart pounding quickly.

"H...Hai....." I quickly nodded in a meek tone. I swore my voice cracked.

"Good. We shall teach you that soon. But first...you've gotta lose the weight, Yuri!" Victor suddenly exclaimed, patting my chubbiness I called my stomach. "Little Piggy's gotta slim down~" He sang out in a teasing and playful manner, me deadpanning. 'Is he ever really seriously about this or am I just a sign that says Insult Me?

I sighed, shaking my head. I don't know why exactly, but....deep down; since Victor pulled away from the erm....(Not a kiss! It couldn't have been! Right....?!) Contact of lips, w-we'll call it.....My heart hurts.

I-I don't mean I'm in love with him or anything! Well....N-No! I....don't know. I just somehow feel disappointed inside, I had thought. My head looked down, a sullen expression on my face as I felt Victor's hand slowly move and rest on top of mine. "Yuri, I'll teach you all about sexual love. Eros, a pleasurable dance. I'll have you seduce me with everything you've got~" The man smirked back slightly with his own seductive look.

"Wh-What....?" I gasped out in a shaky breath before I suddenly felt my arm tugged and now Victor was on his back, him being he one who pulled and landed me hovering on top of him now. My eyes widened as my head began to spin. Wh-Wha.....?!

He gazed back at me, staring into my eyes as if taking my very soul and essence with that one stare. One hand was around my waist as if supporting me a bit atop while his other hand slowly made its way up and rested warmly and familiarly on my right cheek, thumb caressing it softly.

I could hear his breathing. I hoped dearly that he couldn't hear anything from me—My breathing....Myself....My....heartbeat.....

"You have inspired me Yuri. I've seen the look on your face. The way your body beautifully mixes with the music, the way you give your all in it and more. It's....you are beautiful~" Victor whispered out smoothly as I felt my whole face—more like body—turn a pure red as a rose.


"I'll work you hard." He mumbled loud enough for me to hear, never breaking his eye-to-eye contact with me once. "Day and Night, I'll show you the true meaning of everything~" The professional skater cooed out gently to me, like pure sweetness to my ears and heart.

"Yuri....will you trust me?" Victor asked softly, gazing back at me intently. I already knew the answer though. He did too.

He just wanted me to say it aloud.

"Of....Of course I do, Victor." I whispered out softly back, expression softening myself. Ever since Victor came....I felt everything. Embarrassment, comfort, calmness, happiness, nervousness, uneasiness, and more....

"We have a big day tomorrow, Yuri. We'll begin your training then we'll show success and you'll skate On Love: Eros, created by me. I know you can do it. I'll make sure you win the Grand Prix Final as well....." Victor brought his face closer and rested his forehead against mine, closing his eyes. "You're so warm, Yuri..." He mumbled before he pulled his head back and turned, Me falling over quickly and landing beside and face him.

He easily scooted a bit closer before wrapping his arms around my waist, pulling my smaller body closer to him.

O....Our bodies......! They're.....!

My body was up right against Victor's in a snuggling or cuddling manner. Victor's arms were tight and secure around me, keeping me from escape as his expression remained calm. He closed his eyes, a light smile graced his elegant lips. He moved forward and ever so gently pecked the very corner of my mouth. "Goodnight, Yuri~" He cooed out before lying back his head down and on top of my head, our bodies connected closely and warmly.

My eyes widened.

It wasn't a kiss.....right?


.......IT WASN'T A KISS!!!

".........Goodnight, Victor........."

(Hope you like the story~! Please follow, comment, and vote if you can! ^^ I'd love to hear feedback and your opinions too! I'll be updating more frequently now too~! Thanks for all of your support!)

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