3 - Strange Behavior

Start from the beginning

Yoosung : I got an alert for an event!

Yoosung : so I'll get going!

Yoosung has left the chatroom

He sat his phone to the side and excitedly started up the event, tapping his finger lightly on the mouse, so enraptured he didn't even hear movement behind him until Seven was leaning over his back, arms loose around his neck and chin on his shoulder. The blonde stiffened, surprised, but quickly relaxed. Not that anyone could ever completely relax around Seven, but he got as close as he could.

"You must be exhausted," Yoosung observed, watching the computer load the game slowly, waiting for more people to fill the lobby. "I bet your eyes hurt."

"'m fine," Seven disagreed, betrayed by the light slur of his tone and the yawn he thought he hid. "Just... needed a second."

"You need a nap," Yoosung informed him, feeling motherly- in a good way, in a way that made him feel like a good friend. "Like, ten."

"That too," Seven agreed, amused, and removed himself from Yoosung. There was a strange bit of mourning felt at the loss of pressure, but then again it wasn't everyday that Yoosung felt physical affection from Seven.

"Are you sure you don't want help with anything?" Yoosung asked hesitantly, stiffening as the game started up at last. "Er- nevermind."

Seven laughed lightly. "No, I'm fine. We probably won't leave until late morning though, so sleep at some point."

"Only if you do," said Yoosung, positioning himself in preparation. The laugh came again, and Yoosung smiled too.

"Uh huh, totally," said Seven, voice farther, presumably returning to his station, and Yoosung's match began.

Fifteen minutes later, Yoosung stretched out his fingers and watched his name flash next to the acronym "MVP", as it always did. He sighed, feeling his eyes shutter shut almost instantly. Normally he was good with staying up extremely late and rising early for school, but it seemed like the trip had wore him out. He jumped to his feet and unplugged his phone to bring with him.

"I'm going to sleep," he announced, walking up behind Seven. The slightly older boy didn't respond, and Yoosung made an expression of distaste, stepping closer and poking Seven's shoulder. "Hyung, I'm going to sleep."

Seven grunted, very clearly distracted, and Yoosung took that as a noise of understanding. The blonde looked over the image on the monitor, actually looking at it for the first time since arriving- the building wasn't just a house, it was gigantic from the look of it. The roof was a calming mint green and the walls were white- it was a very pretty place.

"Find anything?" he asked, genuinely curious but also with a tired yawn in his voice that betrayed his growing exhaustion. Seven shrugged in answer.


"Better than nothing," Yoosung said, not incredibly bothered by the short response (incredibly bothered by the short response). "Don't stay up the whole night."

"You're not my mom," Seven said, raising a chip to his mouth. Yoosung laughed.

"No, but I am your friend." He sat his hand on Seven's shoulder for about half a second, and then turned down the long hallway opposite of where they'd entered. "Goodnight!"


The likelihood of Seven coming to sleep was near zero, but Yoosung was still hesitant to take the bed in that case. Instead, he sat himself on the large, soft couch Seven had sitting in the corner of his room, with enough space and pillows to be a bed. He hadn't brought any spare clothes with him, he realized belatedly, but figured it didn't matter too much- he took off his sweatshirt and sat it to the side to feel more like he'd changed anyway, though his unsheltered arms protested by raising goose bumps.

He curled himself up on the cushions and was surprised by the comfort, tucking pillows under his head and anywhere else he felt needed support, and covering himself with a sheet stolen from Seven's untouched-looking bed. he sighed, closing his eyes even as his mind continued to race.

He wondered if MC had gone home from Jumin's yet, and if Jumin was doing better than he had been thanks to her help. He wondered about Zen's dream for a few seconds, contemplating the possibility that Elizabeth may actually disappear- it didn't seem likely, with the penthouse Jumin owned acting like a fortress.

He also worried a bit for Seven. He hoped the guy ate a proper meal every once in a while, despite the jokes about chips. He also hoped the guy got a good night's sleep occasionally, not that he expected that to be truth. He yawned, turned his cheek to press against the pillow he had underneath his head, and sighed tiredly.

He wondered what Seven wanted out of him, and that question was the one he went to sleep thinking about.

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