Part three

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we were suddenly in the school corridor like some snapshot in time.
I was stuck in between Calum and Michael who were dressed head to toe in black with dark, ring-like smudges around their eyes, we were heading quickly over to Ashton and Luke who stood against a wall casually,  with cigarettes perched between their lips. It seemed they knew we were coming, but they weren't fazed by our presence at all and blew spoke at scared passers-by.
We got close enough to them, that they had to turn and look.
"Well who have we got here?..." Ashton pushed the boys out of the way to circle me.
His tone changed and he swept my hair away so he could whisper in my ear  "such a pretty little human..."
And I couldn't help but shiver,
He smirked at my reaction.
Luke pushed himself off the wall and held his cigarette between his thumbs.
"We can't say we weren't expecting you..." He looked strait at me.
I look over at Michael and Calum in horror but they weren't the slightest bit intimated by them, and now I was certain they were in on this too, whatever it was...  
Now, the only thing I could see was them. Their harrowing focus fixed on me and their cool breath against my neck.
At once Ashton sunk his deadly teeth into my skin, I screeched,   my vision went burry, the whole school screamed in terror and I dropped to the floor blind...
The next thing I saw was solid white, then a loud beeping noise rang in my ears
And sat before me was Calum, Michael Luke and Ashton.
"Y/N...Y/N...are you alright?"

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