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"Daddy!" Mariah, my little bundle of joy shouted. "Baby!"I shouted before opening my arms and engulfing her into a bear hug.

"Morning sunshine!"I cooed at her while tickling her. "Morning daddy!"she said,trying to wiggle out of my grasp. She hates it when people tickle her which reminds me so much of Chloe.

Speaking of Chloe. I haven't been in contact with her for THREE YEARS! I still keep in touch with Belle though. Just to know how she's doing.

I miss her so much! I love Mariah so much and it kills me that Chloe isn't the mom. My life has took a complete downfall but I can't show that to Mariah.

I still sing and go on tours but Mariah and Selena always come with me. Now Selena?

She has been nothing but a freaking pain in my ass! I swear!

"Justin?"she said.

Speaking of the devil.

"What?"I asked,all of my attention on Mariah. "Can we talk?"she asked. I mentally sighed but nodded anyway. I put Mariah on the couch before kissing her forehead and putting Spongebob on the tv.

I followed Selena into the kitchen, momentarily preparing myself for the bomb that was about to explode.

She sat on the counter and just starred at me. She was really starting to give me the creeps.

"What?"I asked. "When are we getting married?"she asked. I almost choked on air. "Pardon me?"I asked calmly. "Are you deaf or dumb?"she asked,clearly getting irritated.

"Neither.........well you could say I'm dumb"I said. "Why?"she asked. "Because I let you enter my life"I answered. It's like you could literally see the steam coming out of her ears.

"Look. I just wanna know when we're getting married. I didn't call you to start an unnecessary argument."she said through gritted teeth. "Never"I said plainly. "Never?"she asked,looking hurt now.

I'm convinced that this woman is freaking bipolar!

"Are you deaf or dumb?"I repeated her earlier words. "You know what? Just go get ready for the day"she said a little frustratedly. She looked as if she wanted to cry but guess what?




I went upstairs to take a shower and get ready for the day.

After a whole forty-five minutes,I finally went downstairs. Only to be greeted with a note from Selena.

Dear Justin.

I'm sorry Justin. I'm so sorry that I made your life a living hell. So to make it up to you,I'm leaving. You can now be free from this trap,from these lies,from this pain. I'll leave and I'll take Mariah with me because she is my daughter Justin but unfortunately she isn't your daughter. I love you Justin. I hope you know that but I know that you only love one person. Chloe. Well here's my advice:GET HER BACK. One day you'll understand this letter but for now please just live life Justin. Mariah and I love you so much Justin. Stay safe.

I'm sorry.


She left?!

With Mariah?!

Why did she leave with my daughter?

Why is she encouraging me to get Chloe back?

What is she saying sorry for that I can't understand now?

All these questions and no answers.

Later down in the night at like 11:00 p.m,I got a call from a private number. "Hello?"I asked. "Is this Justin Bieber?"a woman asked. "Yes?"I asked,getting a little curious as to why someone who I don't know would call me at 11 in the night.

The next words that were said by her completely crushed me.

"Sir,my name's Kayla Stewart from The Cali Hills Hospital and I regret to inform you that your girlfriend, Selena Gomez, and your daughter,Mariah Bieber, were both killed in a fatal car accident caused by a drunk driver."


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