What a night.

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I was so shocked that I couldn't move. What the hell is he doing here?! Allison was smiling like a freak not knowing what was taking place.

I'm not surprised that the dick,that's what I call him now,hasn't told Allison anything about his fucked up past.

I was sure as hell shocked. The dick looked nervous and Belle? Poor Belle looked like she was about to faint. Chaz,of course,was confused.

Justin? Don't even get me started on him. You could literally see the freaking steam coming out of his ears. He was red and angry as fuck!

He looked like he wanted to jump over the freaking table and beat the shit outta Nath-the dick. Which I wouldn't mind but that would totally be the most inappropriate thing to do right now.

I think that the only thing that was restraining him from doing just that was the incredibly tight grip that I had on his hand.

If you were holding your fiance's hand like that you would think that you were squeezing the life out of them and you would feel bad.

In my case ,I don't, mainly because I don't think that he's feeling shit! He is beyond pissed right now.

This isn't gonna end well I thought.

And just as I have predicted it all started. Jay said "What the fuck are you doing here?!" The dick said "Are you dumb or are you dumb? I'm Allison's boyfriend you ass!"


I think I lost it. "Oh fuck no! You piece of shit did NOT just talk to my fiance like that?! You need to just tell poor Allison over there that you're only using her! You dick! Talk to my love or anybody just as important as him like that again and I swear to fucking god that I'll beat the shit outta your cheating ass!"

Everyone in the room except for Jay and Belle were shocked. I mean...I don't blame them though. I would've been too but oh well. I'm Chloe freaking Sparks and my fiance is Justin Bieber like....what do you expect? I'm crazy about my man and they shouldn't be surprised but they don't know me so that makes sense.

"What's going on?"Chaz asked Belle. She gulped. "Uhhh....um...I-I...uh...I-"she stuttered. She couldn't speak so Justin took matters into his own hands. And I completely agree with everything that he said.

Jay said "I'll tell you what happened! This little mofo here cheated on your fiancee throughout their entire relationship. Yep! You heard me! But guess what? That's not even the best freaking part! They were dating for two goddamn years Chaz! He knew what she was going through and made her fall for him then used her for two years before she finally caught his stupid ass! That is what's going on Chaz."

Chaz looked dumbfounded.

Hahaha! No Chloe focus! This is a very serious situation here!

Allison said something that I didn't expect at all. "Get the fuck out!"and pointed to the door. Her mom jumped up and said "Honey?! Language! " and scoffed.

"Sorry?" Allison said. "Yeah. Whatever. " her mom said before rolling her eyes. Allison then turned her attention back to the dick. "Get. Out!" "But-" Allison cut him off. "No! Get the hell out Nathan!" "Fuck you all!"he shouted before storming out of the mansion.

"FUCK YOU TOO!"Justin and I shouted in unison. Everyone bursted out laughing. Everyone except Allison. "Oh Allison sweetie I'm so sorry. You'll find someone better."her mom said,comforting her.

She pulled out of her mom's grip and shouted "No mom! I'm not worried about him or any other guy! I'm worried about my baby girl!" She started to cry.

"WHAT?!"we all shouted. And by 'we' I mean every freaking person in the room. "I'm pregnant!"she shouted.



After a very exhausting night we all went home. Belle and I encouraged Allison that she could do this without the dick and that she shouldn't be afraid because she has us and she is going to be a great mom.

But you wouldn't believe what she told me! She said that she caught the dick cheating TWICE I might add and he said that he was drunk for BOTH the times.

I'm not surprised.

She also said that she didn't smell any alcohol or drugs on him but she let it slide because of the baby.

But after what she witnessed tonight she couldn't take it anymore and she snapped.

Poor girl.

She deleted his number and blocked him of any communication between him and her. That's exactly what the asshole deserves! 

You go girl!

Jay kissed my forehead, snapping me out of my thoughts before saying "Goodnight babe. I love you" I said "Goodnight Jay. I love you too"before slowly drifting off to sleep.

What a night.


So I updated.......... again.

..........................................okay then bye.

I'm just kidding!


Anyways two pregnancies?!

Hell yes!

More drama coming up so don't worry. I gotcha!

Please vote and comment to let me know what you think!

Although you guys don't but oh well.

Luv u :)

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