A Little Surprise

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About a month later Aphmau was going on her daily rounds around Pheonix drop

Garroth-good morning Aphmau how are you today?
Aphmau-I'm ok Garroth I just feel kinda sick but I'm sure it will pass
Garroth-yes well maybe we should get Zoey to have a look at you, just because Nicole and Zoey are here visiting Adelaide it may be wisem
Aphmau-yeah maybe you are right lets go
Garroth-you go and I'll go let Aaron know we're you are
Aphmau-ok tell him to come over
Garroth-as you wish

Everyone gathers around Zoey's house as Aaron walks out

Aaron-so what?
Garroth-is she ok?
Aaron-yes she's fine nothing to be worried about yet
Zane-what that makes no sense
Vlyad-hmmm.....how far alone?
Aaron-she doesn't want me to tell you guys yet
*they hear screams of joy from inside of the house**everyone walks out of the house*
Nicole-me either
Zoey-just take it easy ok Aphmau
Aphmau-yes I will
Garroth-ok what's going on? if you need to take it easy we, as your guards, should know why
Aphmau-ok, ok I'm.... im pregnant
Garroth, Zane, Laurance-WHAT!!!
Garroth-I think we know the answer to one of those questions Laurance
Aphmau-around a month ago for the other question Laurence and I think you know who
Laurance-well yeah
Garroth-well we should tell the villages just so they are aware
Aphmau-that's fine Garroth
Aaron-they have the right to know
Vlyad-so are you too ever going too....
Zane-Vlyad that's a bit insensitive
Katelyn-I have to admit I'm curious
Nicole-Katelyn it's none of our business
Zoey-Nicole is right
Laurance-lets just drop it ok?
Garroth-they mean are you too ever going to get married?
Aphmau-I.....I don't know*she looks at aaron* maybe one day
Aaron-we should go and tell lady Selvanna Aphmau she will be very excited
Aphmau-yeah I hope so

Aphmau and Aaron go to lady Selvanna's house to tell her the good news

Selvanna-your kidding me really I'm going to be a grandma
Aphmau-yeah in about 7 or 8 months
Selvanna-wow I can't believe it I mean you two have grown so close so fast I just.....
Aphmau-oh no mom please don't you start
Aaron-come on Aphmau she might not have been going to say that
Selvanna-oh but I probably was going to Aaron. What are you two going to get married?
Aphmau-I told you I knew it!!!
Selvanna-well I'm curious I mean you and Aaron are already having a baby
Aaron-Selvanna please our baby was not planned and at the moment we're not ready yet ok?
Aphmau-besides I want to wait till the baby is born till we get married ok? and I'm sure Aaron agrees
Aaron-yes I do vey much so
*he kisses her*
*Dante runs in*
Dante-Aphmau sorry but duty calls
Aphmau-it's ok let's get back to work

Hay guys hope you are enjoying the story bye ☺️

Final word Count-539 words

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