Angle Irene

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Garroth locked Garte up in the jail and then everyone went to Lady Selvanna's house. Everyone sits down and Aphmau and Aaron sits on the floor with Adelaide.

Selvanna-so the story is that i had Aphmau and that lady Zoey and and another lady cald Hiria, who was good friends with Irene came and told me about how Aphmau was lady irene but reborn as a baby.
Aphmau-which is me
Selvanna-i did not believe it at first until aphmau began to glow. So i asked them what would be best for her and they said for Venna to raise her until she was ready so she did
Aphmau-so the day i arrived here Venna had told me that it was time for me to return home so she sent me here
Laurance-this is so surreal
Dante-the actual lady Irene
Aphmau-no not exactly
Zane-what do you mean?
Aphmau-i have no memory of being Irene so i dont call myself her and i dont use my power unless i need too
Vlyad-wow thats incredible
Aaron-yeah it is i mean You were lady Irene in a past life and you were reborn in this life as you
Aphmau-yeah i guess it sounds a little crazy
*they both look deeply into eachothers eyes*
Selvanna-well everyone lets leave aphmau alone for a while, turning into her form must take alot out of her*she winks at aphmau*
Aphmau-*she giggles*thanks mom
Selvanna-come on Adelaide let's leave your mommy and daddy alone for a while
Adelaide-ok see you later mommy and daddy I love you
Aaron-love you too baby girl

Everyone leaves and Aaron and Aphmau go into the bedroom and sit on the bed.

Aaron-I just can't believe it
Aphmau-I know it's hard to believe but it's true
Aaron-I'm so glad I found you Aphmau I would have properly become corrupt out there. The day Laurence brought me in here and I saw you I knew that I wanted to be with you but I was too sceared to even talk to you and I had just lost my daughter I...*she kisses him*
Aphmau-well I'm glad we ended up together

Aaron and Aphmau lay down on the bed together and well you know what happened next...

Hay guys I hope your enjoying the story another coming soon

Aphmau's new worldTahanan ng mga kuwento. Tumuklas ngayon