The twins

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     "Hey!I need to use the computer for my project.Don't be selfish."She quickly pulled her twin,Fatty ,out of her seat.Fatty shrieked loudly and I was sure the whole neighbourhood could hear her scream.Her mother rushed out of the kitchen and saw what had happened.The Annoying Twins again!Her mother scolded them and both were in tears.
     Fatty said"You pull me out of my seat,so I shout."
     Hatty said"You have occupied the computer for so long,so I pull you out of your seat"
     They both thought themselves and blamed each other defensively.Their mother ignored them as she didn't want to bother them again.The argument is endless............
When their father came home,mother told the misbehaviour of the twins again.He said"Enough,twins!!!Why you need to cause troubles to your mother???"It has been already the 20th time of the week.They said together,"No, it is only her fault,not mine!"They glared at each other and said" how dare you copy my question!"And then, mother scolded them both.Hatty cried tearfully and mum did not dare to scold Hatty and scold Fatty instead.Fatty then
         Mother complained to father and they both agreed to a plan.They decided to send them to a boarding school that is far far away so that the house will be much more peaceful and quiet and they can sort their problems with the help of schoolmates and teachers.
         Fatty said"No, mom.Schools are boring.I don't want to leave home!"Mom said then you need to promise no arguments with Hatty ever after.Fatty did not dare to make this promise.It was so difficult.Hatty turned her head to the wall, thinking of some...plans.
          The school was decided and it was the famous school in England~Malory Towers.After dialing up to the school, they have a long talk with Miss Grayling and Miss Grayling told them she could solve their problems and Malory towers will always welcome them.They liked the just words of Miss Grayling and respected her down from their heart.They were sure the school  
and also Miss Grayling bring good changes to the girls......

Twins at Malory towersWhere stories live. Discover now