"You really like Viktor, huh? I hope I can see you compete against Viktor soon."

When Y/n came, Yūri started to develop feelings for her.

Yūri walked into the rink when he heard music playing. Yuko and Takeshi were watching a person skate in awe.

Take me to the sky~
Oh Whoa oh~

The girl moved with grace at the beginning. As the song sped up, she began performing more jumps and spins.

Spread spread spread my wings
La la la la la (x2)

She glided across the ice as if she were flying. The only time the girl fell was when trying to perform a triple salchow, but she got right back up.

When the song finished, she held her arms up like wings.

"Wow!" Takeshi said.

"She was amazing!" Yuko exclaimed. The girl skated off the ice then noticed the three kids. Yuko went up to her first. "Hi! My name is Yuko. That's Takeshi and Yūri. What's your name?"

"My name is Y/n." But the way she said it sounded like she wasn't sure of what she was saying. An older male, his late teens, walked over.

"Sorry about my sister. My name is Taehyung. My family just moved here from Korea so Y/n is still a bit shaky on Japanese." Y/n smiled sweetly.

"Oh I see," Yuko said. "Anyway, you did amazing Y/n."

"Thank you."

"Come on, we have to go now," Taehyung said in Korean. Y/n nodded. She turned back to the trio.

"Let's be friends and skate all the time."

Yūri watched her leave with a blush on his cheeks.

Flash back end

Yūri handed Yuko his glasses. "Um, I wanted you guys to see this, so I've been practicing it since the competition ended."

Y/n took the glasses from Yuko and put them on. She could not see a thing so she took them off but kept them on her head.

"Please watch," Yūri said shyly.

'Last up is Viktor Nikiforov from Russia.' Viktor skated on the rink as the crowd roared in cheers.

"All right Viktor! Get 'em!" Minako yelled. She was surrounded by several empty bottles of alcohol.

'It's clear he's Russia's hero! The cheers are deafening!'

"Yūri, your favorite, Viktor, is about to start!" Minako said unaware he was not present.

'After the short program, he leads Giacometti, in second, by a huge margin.'

"He's not back. Neither is Y/n," Hiroko said.


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