React to... Smartphones

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(A/N: Heyo, I'm back, and I have another react for you! Please comment things for reacts if you can!)

Sophie: *turns phone over and over* I remember these. I never got one, though. My parents said I was too young.

Fitz: I know what these are!

Biana: Really?

Fitz: Yeah. I saw people using them when I was looking for Sophie in the Forbidden Cities. I never knew how they worked, though.

Dex: *steals the phone from Sophie*

Sophie: Hey!

Dex: You've gotta admit, humans did a pretty good job making these. *taps the screen a few times* But it's so slow, and has so many bugs! I bet I could make it better... *starts mumbling so that no one understands*

Keefe: *swipes the phone* Let us use the phone before you dismantle it! Hey, what do all these little icons do?

Sophie: Those are apps. They all do different things. Here, try that one. *points to the Flappy Bird app*

Keefe: Um, okay. *attempts to play Flappy Bird, but can only reach two points*

Biana: Hey, can I try? Ugh, this is so hard! Oh, look! I got three points! Beat that!

Fitz: My turn! *is surprisingly good* Seventeen, eighteen... twenty-one...

Dex: Hey, how are you doing that? *tries to steal the phone and the bird dies*

Fitz: Stop! *glares*

Sophie: I think that's enough of that. *closes Flappy Bird and opens the camera*

Biana: Whoa! Cool! Let's take a picture of all of us! *snaps a photo*

(Biana and Sophie are smiling brightly, Keefe is making a weird face, Dex looks baffled, and Fitz is still angry at Dex for making him lose.)

Sophie: What a nice selfie!

Keefe: What else can I do? Can I call someone?

Sophie: Don't– ugh.

(A harried male voice answers the phone.) Who is this? If it's the telemarketer people again I will seriously– *Sophie hangs up*

Sophie: *scolding* Don't call random people!

Everybody Else: Why not?

Sophie: Just, just don't!

Dex: *mutters* If I press this and that, and then reconnect to the signal, I can make the network...

Everybody: *stares blankly at Dex*

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