React to... the KotLC Books

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(Disclaimer: I own nothing except for the plot of these reacts. <3)

Sophie: So basically, a ghost author knows all about us and is stalking us? How is that possible?

Everybody: 0_o

Keefe: So, like, if this Shannon Messenger person is following everything we do, then can she see me in the bathroom?

Biana: That's... horrifying, Keefe. I did not need that image in my brain.

Fitz: Actually, I think he's right. Don't we deserve a little privacy? I mean, at least these books are written from Sophie's point of view. Imagine if the author could tell what I was thinking. *shudders*

Dex: Ooh, I wonder what Wonderboy thinks about all the time.

Fitz: *scoots away from Dex*

Keefe: Wait, is that true? Will we finally know what Foster is thinking? *picks up the first book and flips through the pages* Look, this is what she thought when she met Fitz!

*everyone crowds around to read, except Sophie, who's hiding in the corner*

Sophie: This is the worst day EVER. Even worse than when Grady talked to me about boys.

Biana: Aw, this is so cute! *makes heart hands*

Keefe: *says nothing, but raises his eyebrows and keeps reading*

Fitz: *is very awkward, but secretly happy* Um, Sophie, is this true?

Sophie: *runs out of room*

Dex (muttering): Why is it always Wonderboy?

Fitz: Um, so let's read a different part.

Sophie: *runs back into room* Guys, I just had a horrible thought.

Everybody: WHAT?!

Sophie: What if we're not real?

Biana: Huh?

Dex: Oh, I think I get it  now.

Sophie: What if this author just created us? What if this whole world is just a construct created by Shannon Messenger's mind?

Keefe: If that's true, I REALLY want to slap her right now. I went through so many hard things...

*a moment of silence for Keefe*

Biana: Well, I'm not sure. This all seems very real, doesn't it?

Fitz: I don't know. What if the author just made it seem that way? What would the real world be like, then?

Everybody: 0_o

*existential crisis intensifies*

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