"Come on guys!" i called and the rest of the band, me and Andy made our way to the stage that Dylon's band was playing at and went to teh trailer in the back where Dylon was changing "Hey!" he said when he saw me, his eyes fell when he saw the rest of the band and Matt but he didnt show it on his face.

"Hey" i hugged him and looked around "your doing pretty good for yourself"

"Thanks well after you left i well i was pretty sad that your like 5 years younger than me and your a girl and you got into a big rock band so i got these guys together and we started to get gigs and eventually got here" he said.

"Thats cool so what do you do?" i asked

"Sing and scream" he said and i nodded

"Thats cool. Well we better get into the crowd before you start to rock out" i said and hugged him once more and went into the crowd.

They started to sing and i was really amazed.

They did 3 songs to start with. The first one was about being miles away frm the one you love and missing them. The second one was about just loving someone and the third was about not appreciating what you have when you have it.

"Hey guys" Dylon said into the microhpone and there wasnt much reaction.

 "Well this is our first time in Texas" he said and people rooted for texas not him lol.

"Okay how many of you are just here because were fillin up the space between your 2 favorite bands?" he said and they cheered.

"Well theres this little band Black veil brides? ANyone heard of them" peple screamed like absolutely crazily and i blushed. "Guess who my ex-girlfriend is?" he said and they were like 'no!' i blushed even deeper "Yeah its the drummer Tali who is here right now WITH the rest of the band, shes not only an  amazin drummer though shes also a terrific singer" he said "So Tal's what do you say you give these suckers a little taste of what you can do?" he aksed and i blushed even deeper but handed my bag to Matt and went on stage, the crowd parted for me like the red sea.

Dylon handed me a microphone and whispered something in ym ear and we began to play.

"Well I'm not a vampire

But I feel like one

Sometimes I sleep all day

Because I hate the sunlight

My hands are always shaking

Body's always aching

And the dark is when I feed

Well I can lure any woman that I want to in my bed with me

And whiskey seems to be my holy water

Mothers better lock your doors and hide your daughters

I'm insane

Well, I can feel it in my bones

Coursing through my veins

When did I become so cold?

For goodness sake

Where is my self-control?

If home is where my heart is

Then my heart has lost all hope

Well I'm not a zombie

But I feel like one today

Self-induced comatose, chemical daze

My head is always spinning

From this dizzy, blurry


And my stomach has had enough

I feel like a lady

That is pregnant with a baby

'Cause I'm always throwing up

Hi, my name is Ronnie

I'm an addict

(Hi, Ronnie!)

Daddy should've never raised me on Black Sabbath!

I'm insane

Well, I can feel it in my bones

Coursing through my veins

When did I become so cold?

For goodness sake

Where is my self control?

If home is where my heart is

Then my heart has lost all hope

God bless all of you now

'Cause I'm going straight to Hell

And I'm taking you down with me

'Cause you know damn well

I'm insane

Well, I can feel it in my bones

Coursing through my veins

When did I become so cold?

I'm insane

Well, I can feel it in my bones

Coursing through my veins

When did I become so cold?

For goodness sake

Where is my self control?

If home is where my heart is

Then my heart has lost all hope"

We started to get nearer to each other.

"All hope" we said and inched ever closer together.

"All hope" our lips were centimeters apart then i felt myself be yanked back with long fingers and a pair of lips pressed themselve roughyl against mine. I knew who he was immediatly so i wrapped my arms around his neck and kissed back fiercly, wanting to smack myself for almost kissing Dylon.

Andy pulled away and grabbed my microphone "sorry to crash your party but this ones mine" he said, dropped the microphone and handing me my bag he stormed out dragging me behind him "lets get to that piercing place" he said.

I leaned against a motorcycle some guys had let me borrow and he kissed me on the lips grabbing my head in his hands and i smiled and threw my leg over the cycle he climbed on back and we roared away...

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Fangirl Dreams (sequel to Dark Dreams)Where stories live. Discover now