Story Summary |A/n|

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Thank you all for reading my story you have no idea how much it means to me. So this chapter or part is just a summary of the whole story if you got the wrong idea of it and if you didn't get it at all and just stuck around because of my amazing writing (jk). First off I just want to say that during the first 3/4 of the story I used my phone to write the story but then for the remaining 1/4 i discovered you can also use the computer so now I use the computer to write my stories so the format might look weird for you phone users. But anyways lets get on with the summary:

In the beginning of the story you were a transfer student who was instructed to kill your teacher but during your first day you wandered too deep into the forest and stumbled upon a creature who was said to never die and took over your soul.

It's name was Yandere and as you can tell yandere means crazy or insane or in other words will kill you for the person they like. So when Yandere took over your soul she was slowly taking over your body so she can get to the person they like. What really happened with Yandere is that she actually liked Karma and she was using your body to get to him. You ended up falling for him during your crazy adventure with Yandere and at the end of the story for the good ending you were fighting for Karma and whoever was able to take control was able to have Karma.

The most confusing part is probably the true ending. Well let me explain. So tit turns out that the whole story was just a dream and you and Karma were married and had children until you got in a car accident and you were asleep for weeks and during that time you were unconscious you had that dream.

That's all for this story and all you'll hear from me for this story. Before you all ask no there will not be a sequel just if your wondering sorry but now that I'm done with this story I can do my Yukine X Reader story :).

Thank you all again and I will see you in my next story.

(P.s. I'm crying this ending gave me the feels and I feel like a brick was lifted off my shoulders now that I'm done with this story I am so proud but yet so sad it ended :( my heart can't take all this)

Love Me |  Karma Akabane x Yandere!Reader | Assassination Classroom | CompletedWhere stories live. Discover now