Chapter 4: Im Going To Hell

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It was now the end of the day and that is when our 'plan' takes action.

Go hide behind the school.


Just do it.


I made my way to the back of the school and awaited what was to come.

She should be here any minute.

My body tensened up at the sentence.

Please don't make me do it. I want to become close friends with her, she comforted me when I needed help.

Sorry hun.

"Your not sorry." I growled aloud.

"(Y-y/n)? W-what are y-you doing here?" A quivering voice asked me.

Silence filled the air as I found out who I was alone with.

"O-okuda! I-its you! I- I mean..."

Say something smart or your going to blow your cover.

"I-i uh, came here looking for my... pet... hermit crab... yeah..." I gave Okuda a nervous look before dropping to the ground and frantically searching in the grass.


Shut up.

"O-oh, um, I'm sorry let me help you." Okuda offered dropping to the ground next to me.

"Your not the one who should be sorry, I am." I muttered under my breath, but Okuda still heard me.

"I'm sorry, I don't understand what you mea-" Okuda cut off her sentence after seeing my crying and distressed face when I looked up at her.

"Oh (Y/n), your crying! What's wrong?" Okuda lifted herself off the ground and helped me off too, looking into my eyes with sorrow.

I looked down for I couldn't look the poor, confused girl in the eyes.

"Okuda, I'm sorry."

My turn!

My eyes became red as I lifted my gaze upon her.

"(Y-y/n)! Y-your eyes! A-are y-yo-" Okuda was a stuttering mess but was interrupted by me jumping on her.

I grabbed hold of her neck and watched her beautiful light purple eyes turn to fear as her glasses fell off and broke, shattering into tiny pieces.

She couldn't scream because of how strong my grip on her neck was.

"Its a shame you know, I really have to agree with (Y/n) on this one. You really are a nice and beautiful young girl, but I can't have you interfering on my plans with Karma~Senpai." I said with a crazed smile.

"Its sad, you know? (Y/n) wanted to spare your life, but of course I wouldn't let her." I laughed as my grip never losened on her throat.

All the poor girl could do was stare in fear, her vision bluring.

Okuda's face turned to shock when she saw another one of me, the real me, just standing froze next to Yandere and her crazed smile.

She can see me, she locked eyes with me.

I've noticed.

"What a plesant surprise! You can see (Y/n) when your vision is blurred! Your a strong girl for still being alive at this point." I snickered.

"I'm sorry." The real me mouthed, my (e/c) eyes filled with tears.

"I-i forgive y-you."

Okuda's last words faded into the afternoon sky.

Well, how do you feel (Y/n)? You just took someone's life. Doesn't it make you feel alive.

It makes me feel dead.

Come on now, cheer up. We just got one obstacle out of the way, you should be proud.

My eyes turned back to their normal (e/c) glossy shine.

I stared down my at my friend's lifeless body and fell down next to it.

"I should give you a proper burial." I muttered to myself and picked up Okuda's lifeless body.

I quickly dug a hole, big enough for Okuda's small and fragile body, and gently put her in there.

After I put all the dirt and grass back I knelt down to say a small prayer.

"Dear God, please forgive me for taking this young girls life. I hope you can find it deep in your heart to give me another chance and please, take care of this spirit like how she cared for me." I said my prayer and put my hand to my head, heart, left, then right shoulder.

Takes for sparing me the work of caring her body and throwing it in the fire.


I ignored Yandere and made my way to the lockers.

Where are we going?

I forgot my stuff in my locker.


Shut up.

I made it to my locker.


The smell of Karma filled my nostrils as I let my head follow the strong scent to the floor.

There was a letter, it was the one Yandere made.

I picked it up and read it:

Dear Okuda,

Meet me behind the school afterschool, I have something I need to tell you. Come alone and don't be late ;)


"You damned bastered Yandere!" I cursed aloud, my voice echoing through the empty halls.

I dropped the letter on the floor and stepped on it with a loud crumpling sound as I made my way the the exit.

Little did we know, a certain sensei was watching us.


"Your home late." My mother greeted me in her usual cheerful voice.

I smiled at how she can be cheerful at times like this, but that's because she doesn't know her life is on the line because of her own child.

"Just took a longer route home today." I lied and made my way up the stairs to my room.

I face planted on the mattress and let out a loud sigh, followed by some tears.

"Damn, what am I going to do with you, Yandere?"


End of Chapter 4


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