Chapter 12: Halloween

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"Big sis! I found something that you could wear!" Kyota came screaming down the isle.

Today was Sunday and Halloween was tomorrow.

I had taken Kyota out to buy a costume last minute cause that's how we roll.

I looked over at Kyota who was now holding up a costume for me that was my size.

"Looks cool, I'll go try it on. You stay here and don't move." I said the last part strictly.

"Yes ma'am!" Kyota joked and put her hand to her forehead while suddenly standing up strait.

I smiled, satisfied, and went into the dressing room.

Took me a few tries to get the costume on correctly but I managed.

Kyota had gotten me a pirate costume.

I hade an eye patch on my right eye that made me look like Ciel, a belt that could hide weapons, a hat with an old rag looking thing attached to it, and normal pirate wear but all torn up.

This could actually work. And this could work to my favor too.

I could use the belt to hide guns and weapons to assassinate Korosenei.

But it could also give Yandere and chance to hide her own stuff. Who knows what the bastard has hidden up her sleeves.

I walked out and let Kyota see the costume she picked out.

"You look beautiful big sis!" Kyota gawked at my costume and ushered me to pay for it.

I quickly changed back into normal clothes and payed for both our costumes.

Kyota was going to dress as a dead nurse and her friends were going to be her failed patients.

We both walked home and realized it was late so we went to bed and got ready for the day ahead of us.


I had to wake me and Kyota up earlier than I usually do because now I have to walk Kyota to her school and then I go to mine.

"Kyota wake up." I shook Kyota awake gently.

"What is it big sis?" Kyota rubbed her eyes and yawned.

"Its Halloween today." I said and then Kyota shot up out of bed.

"Is it really?! Oh my god! I'm so excited!" Kyota jumped around and grabbed her costume from her closet.

"Hush! Its 5:34! People around the neighborhood are still sleeping probably!" I yelled/whispered.

"Sorry big sis." Kyota hung her head in shame.

"Its fine." I assured her and got my own costume out.


It was now 7:10 and Kyota and I were all dressed up.

It was around that time that I had to walk Kyota to her school.

Before we left the house I made sure my pockets were loaded with anti korosensei knives and all that.

"Big sis I'm all ready to go!" Kyota cheered happily, excited for the day to come.

"Alright, get you backpack and we'll start walking." I said and got my own backpack ready.

We were now walking on Kyota's school trail in silence the whole way through.

Its the first time I've seen Kyota's school, it was really pretty. Like someone did some major fixing up around here.

I waved bye to Kyota and watched her make her way to a group of friends.

I also noticed her blushing while looking at a certain boy.

"Young love." I chuckled to myslef.

Indeed it is.

Get the hell out of my thoughts.

I walked the rest of the way to my own special little section of the school and made it just in time for class to start.

I took my seat next to the red head and listened to the lesson.

Today Korosensei told us a story just in the spirit of Halloween.

We all huddled up near Korosensei in the front of the classroom and I was in between Karma and Nagisa.

When something scary happened I accidently buried my face into Karma's chest, making him blush.

I have to admit it was kind of cute.


School was over and I walked over to Kyota's school district to pick her up and get her ready for trick or treating.

It was now 17:06 and it was dark out.

Kyota had begged me the other day to bring her trick or treating with her and I couldn't say no to a child who was just abandoned by their mother who committed suicide and was left in the care of a teenage girl with low grades and also a part time assassin who's target is their yellow octopus teacher who blew up half the moon and was going to do the same thing to the earth in March but wanted to teach a class full of delinquents and one that was left home alone for 2 weeks.

So long story short I said yes.

Kyota was carrying her little bag and running house to house, challenging me to keep up with her.

We passes by Karma and his group that consisted of Nagisa and Kaede.

I don't know why but when I saw Kaede with Karma I wanted to run up to her and bitch slap her to death.

Too dramatic?

I suffered in unknown pain while stalked Karma the whole night while managing to keep Kyota busy with different houses.

Was I jealous?

No, I never liked Karma. I don't think I did.

Maybe I had too much candy and I'm having a heart burn?

No that's too specific. I didn't even eat any candy yet.

Then what was it?

Was I going crazy?


It's only a matter of time, remember that (Y/n) dear.

I grumbled at hearing Yandere in my thoughts.

Maybe it is too late though.

Maybe she already took control of me.


End of Chapter 12


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