laser tag

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day one of the 12 days of fluff!! i hope you guys enjoy it!


"hey keith, want to go to laser tagging?" lance walked into keith's dorm and set down his backpack. the two boys had been together for two months now, after knowing each other for months with their growing friendship from calculus.

   "sure. when is it?" keith asked, standing up from his desk chair and walking up to lance, giving him a quick kiss on the cheek. "it starts in twenty minutes. also, shiro, allura, pidge, and hunk will be there."

   keith looked at lance like he was crazy. "lance, we need to go then if we're going to make it in time. you really do not plan ahead, do you?"



   the door swung open as keith pushed with his left hand- his right hand was occupied holding lance's hand. the two walked over to their friends who were sat at a table, probably waiting for keith and lance.

   "hey guys!" lance said as he took a seat at the table with keith. "bet you're not ready to get you ass kicked by my team!" lance boasted.

   pidge threw their head back and laughed. "okay lance, we're totally not ready for your wrath. i bet you're a wiz with the laser gun." it was obvious pidge was being sarcastic, but lance didn't care. he was ready and excited for the game. the whole table silently laughed and smiled. they knew this was going to be good.

   "let's go, our game should be starting in a couple minutes." shiro stated, standing and leading the way to the laser tag room doors. lance and hunk started talking about anime, and keith walked behind them talking to pidge about what they were doing in their chemistry class.

   shiro opened the door and everyone slipped into the small room. there were laser guns hanging up on the walls and a rack of vests hanging too. a teen girl walked into the room, probably to say the speech about rules and how to play laser tag.

   "hello everyone, welcome to laser fun. i am mandy, and today i will tell you how to play laser tag." she said in the most monotone voice the group had ever heard. as she dragged on about the rules, lance shuffled closer to keith and set his head on keith's shoulder. keith wrapped his arm around lance, rubbing the boy's arm.

"alright everyone," the lady said, now done with her speech. "there are two teams. the blue team, shiro, hunk, and lance. and the red team, pidge, allura, and keith." a smile started to grow on keith's face.

"alright guys, get on your vests and grab a gun, and you're good to head out to the arena." she said, leaving. the room then exploded.

"i'm going to beat my boyfriend's ass!" lance taunted, smiling widely with keith still standing right by him.

yelling and bragging went on as the two groups got their bulky vests on. they shined the team color brightly from the chest piece. everyone picked up a laser gun, and the talking died down as they entered the arena.

the ladies voice rang out from speakers in the arena. "take cover, your game starts in ten seconds." everyone panicked and scattered, running to find a good object to hide behind. the room was full of giant maze-like walls, with giant fake rocks, wood crates, and stacks of styrofoam bricks. "10, 9, 8..."

she had already started counting. keith and pidge hid by each other, ready with their guns, kneeling behind a stack of bricks together. shiro stayed behind in the area that seemed like battle ground for the players. he ducked behind a wall. allura was hidden by the walls on the sides of the room, near the center, so she could jump into the fight and surprise the other team. "7, 6, 5, 4..."

lance and hunk scrambled looking for a place for the two of them to hide together, but they eventually ducked behind a giant rock with a few seconds to spare.

"3, 2, 1, go!"

immediately lance bounced into action, leaving his friend behind as he ran around looking to shoot someone.

pidge could hear lance getting near. they desperately wanted to shoot lance after all the bragging he did while they waited earlier. as pidge turned to look for lance, they saw him flying past. pidge quickly held up the laser gun and frantically shot at lance as they chased after him. lance screamed, realizing he was getting attacked, which caused keith and allura to run over, shooting at lance too. at this point, lance was just running in circles around a crate. that was until shiro showed up and starting shooting at the red players. everyone ducked behind walls and obstacles, shooting laser beams at one another strategically now. lance kept shooting at allura, but allura was too busy shooting at shiro to be able to defend herself. keith decided to take matters into his own hands.

    keith snuck around the walls quietly, making his way over to his boyfriend, still shooting at allura. as lance was turned away, keith ran up to him, turned him around, and attached his lips to lance's. lance's eyes were wide, but he soon started kissing back. lance dropped his laser gun and grabbed keith's face. they started to kiss deeper and deeper, not caring that they were in the middle of a laser tag arena. lance's hands moved down to keith's shoulders, trying to pull him closer. keith pushed lance up against the wall, hands moving down to lance's waist. keith let go quickly, raised his laser gun, and shot lance before quickly running off, giving a quick wink to his partner.

   "KEITH! i am going to kill you!"

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