Trump Supporters *Revised*

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Revised chapter since the last one had some issues.

Yes most of them are racist, homophobic, Islamphobic, sexist assholes.

But some of them are actually ok. I would know because I'm friends with her. Her name is Sara. Sara only agrees with some things that Trump says. She doesn't agree with how he threatened to keep all of the Muslims out of the country or anything like that.

The main reason why people were surprised about how Trump won when the polls said Hillary would win is because people were scared. They were scared because if they said that they supported Trump they would get beaten up and harassed.

Remember that everyone has a right to their own opinion. You can't harass somebody based on who they believe.

People who make fun of Trump supporters are really low to be honest. Unless the supporter is saying something that is racist, homophobic, Islamphobic, or sexist, then you should leave them alone because they have feelings too and they are human.

Sara, even though you left Wattpad  and you have no intention of coming back, I wish you the best ❤️

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