The End

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3 weeks later

                My mom was out getting some things from the store I was still depressed from the break up but I had started going back to school. I picked up my phone and dialed “911”. A woman picked up and said “hello 911 what’s your emergency?” I couldn’t believe I was actually doing this but I was. I replied in a shaky tone “there has been a suicide on 234 east pine Dr.” the woman said “okay calm down sir can you tell me who is the victim?” I paused for a moment and said “I am” and I hung up. I had set up a rope hanging out my window tied to my bed. I pulled it in and wrapped it around my neck so tight so I could barely breath I stood up on the ledge of my window, and I pushed off of the ledge. Time seemed to slow down as I jumped I could hear the birds chirping and the cars slowing down on the road to watch as I jumped. I remembered Callum as I jumped inside my room there was 3 notes. One to my mom, one to Callum, and the last one to nick. The one for my mom expressed how sorry I was that I had to put her through this. The one to Callum had said how he should not blame himself for my death that it was my choice. The final one for nick had told my true feelings for him but mostly how I needed him to live for the both of us. To live the perfect life no matter what he did I would always be with him.

                Then all I saw was a bright white light and I was gone. People couldn’t imagine what I saw when I died it was more amazing then anything it had proved all religions wrong. The creator had spoken to me and I addressed him as The One. He was made of 100% joy he did not tell me I did wrong he asked me what I wanted I told him “I want to be with Callum one last time.” He waved his hand towards a door that had just appeared next to him. I opened it and I had stepped into a white room there was one other person there with me and I realized it was Callum. The room shifted until I was standing in my own bedroom with Callum me and him were there for the rest of eternity.

Rayne’s mother

                I was driving home from the store and when I pulled up to my house there was police crowded around and cars all pulled over trying to see what the commotion was about. I had to see what they were doing a police officer grabbed me trying to keep me back I said “what are you doing this is my house.” He had loosened his gripped and asked me to follow him so I did. I saw the limp body of my son hanging from a rope I gasped and started crying. The officer came up to me and handed me a letter.


                I had gotten a phone call from Rayne’s mother telling me she had something to give me and she was heading over right away. Within minutes she had showed up with a note I didn’t know what this was about so I read the note. I shook my head she was already holding onto my arm trying to hold back the tears. I couldn’t believe he was dead and even though he told me not to blame myself I still did. I had loved him but when I let him go he just let himself go I started crying more than I ever had. She hugged me I knew this must have hurt her just as much as me and so I hugged her back. She had asked me to help take the last letter to nick I agreed and got in her car.


                As soon as I saw Callum and Rayne’s mother I knew something terrible had happened. Rayne’s mother handed me an envelope with my name on the front. I opened it and started reading the note I only read the first line and I was already crying when I was finished reading I felt sick and dizzy my best friend had just killed himself. I had always known he liked me but I never knew he felt so strong about me. At that moment I promised I would live his life for him. But first thing I would do was go to his funeral.

                About a week later I went to his funeral I still hadn’t stopped crying I barely slept at all. He looked so peaceful in his coffin I kissed his forehead goodbye. His mom was standing alone crying I walked over to her and she held my hand and I told her it would be okay even though I knew it wouldn’t. I missed Rayne so much because he was one of my only friends. I had loved him like a brother and I just wished that he wasn’t gone. I wanted to go to sleep and wake up wherever he was. He felt so far away yet so close at the same time. I knew if I killed myself it would just make things worse so I kept my promise to live for the both of us. I calmly walked away from Rayne’s mother into the nearest bathroom and I screamed for Rayne. It was too late to change the past to make the present better, what’s done is done. But I could do something right now in the present to make the future I lived life to the fullest.

                Every night I cried over Rayne but during the day I lived a life he would have wanted to have… a happy one.

Suicide is not the answer. Remember to live your life to its fullest it’s what Rayne wanted.

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⏰ Last updated: Feb 06, 2012 ⏰

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