love is love

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  • Dedicated to Rodrick Bell

Rayne was a 14 year old boy but he wasn't your average 14 year old Rayne had been through so much anyone he ever liked would either die or leave. He didn’t know why he always thought it was him that made them die or maybe they left because he scared them. No one would ever stay friends with him for long after finding out his secret. You see Rayne was a bi-sexual and people these days judge people for how they live, mainly people didn’t hang around him because it was to awkward he didn’t care though he was a freak. He knew it to he just wished people were more understanding he only ever liked a few guys in his life but girls were the same because he rarely got to meet anyone I didn’t matter people just avoided him because he was the only open bi-sexual in the school. He didn’t know of any other people that were BI but he just stayed away from everyone anyway. When new kids came to the school they would be warned about him and just kept their distance from him. He hated school he would always get teased and made fun of. The one time he was ever happy he had kissed the guy he liked it had been an accident he was turning from his locker and the guy with the locker next to him was turning towards him and their lips met. Rayne kept kissing because he liked it and although the other guy Nicholas was straight he didn’t pull away it was the best time in his life. But Rayne was pulled away from Nicholas by a teacher. She had screamed at him and called him a disgusting monster she called him a sin against our lord and he started crying. Nicholas had been his only friend at that time but after what happened they just stopped talking to altogether. 

Jordan Bell's Copyright:


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Registered :: 2012-03-15 00:31:27 UTC

Title :: Rayne

Category :: Novel

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