"As it with you, Lady Reinya," Lady Galadriel told me, "Many congratulations on your wedding, Reinya and Gorell, though I do not think Thandrial is pleased with your desicion."

Gorell laughed uneasily, and shook his head. "He'll learn to accept it," He told Lady Galadriel uneasily, knowing the news we'd have to tell her soon.

"Um, Lady Galadriel, there is something we have to tell you," I spoke up, regaining her attention.

Gorell waved the guards away, and added, "It'd be better if you two spoke privately." And exited behind the guards.

"What is so secret we must speak of it in private, Lady Reinya?" Lady Galadriel asked, gesturing to the quiet forest around us.

"Lady Elemmire..." I started, and faded off, looking to the ground, fearing the next stage.

"Go on. What about my daughter?" Lady Galadriel asked, a slightly possessive tone taking presence in her voice. A memory flashed in front of my eyes; Me mothering Elinya back to health under the eye of her real mother, and her failing attempts to help.

"She, uh..." I continued waveringly, fiddling with the boomerang on my hip. I tried again, "Lady Elemmire died fighting," I announced guilty, "By sacrificing herself and the fire flower in return for our safety. We have lost Prince Legolas to a Wizardess, who was also one to throw the fire flower into the river. I-I am sorry."

"Elemmire...Is dead?" Lady Galadriel asked, shock flooding her face.

I nodded, and carefully approached the horses, and pulled Elemmire's body from the stretcher, and held her limp body in my arms for Lady Galadriel to see. "I am sorry I could not save her. We tried." I said, my eyes welling up. Not again! I thought harshly as the first tear leaked from the edge of my eye.

The little droplet of tears dripped off my chin and onto Elemmire's dead, unmoving face. More tears welled in my eyes. I pushed her corpse into her mother's arms. "I'm sorry!" I gasped in elvish, my voice breaking with emotion, and I fell to my knees. "I'm so sorry!"

The two guards came rushing back, but Gorel was faster, and he slung an arm over my shoulders and whispered it's be alright in my ears. One of the guards took Elemmire's body, and I followed Lady Galadriel to her bedside...Or tomb side, once I was no longer a sobbing mess.

A fire was lit to keep the room warm, and I found myself passing time by examining Elemmire's hands. The bore wear and tear, from sword wielding, and the barn work I had instructed her to do.

I took a sip of the elvish wine I had found my way into getting, the alcohol doing it's magic and draining away the sadness that stood in my heart and replacing it with an eerie bubbly happiness.

"I think you should stop drinking that Reinya," Gorell informed me, pointing to my goblet. "You'll get drunk."

"Who says I'm not?" I answered coyly, smiling at him over the brim of the goblet, and tipped the glass towards him. "Want some?"

"Reinya." Gorell said darkly, pulling the goblet from my loose grasp, giving me a disapproving look.

"Don't drink it all!" I whined, my eyes refusing to leave the goblet. Promptly, Gorell walked to the window and poured the wine out.

"NO!" I yelled in shock, and dove for him, hitting the ground 3 feet too short. "Why? Why did you do that?"

Gorell pulled me to my feet, his nose almost touching mine. "Put yourself together Reinya!" He demanded, shaking my arm. "You cannot go and drown your sorrows in alcohol anytime you lose something."

"Do you hate me?" I continued whining, hitting his chest weakly. He did not budge, nor did he say anything more. Gorell plopped me down in a chair and exited the room in silence.

I was again, left to the sorrows held within me, and when the protection of the alcohol finally wore off, I was finally able to remember the pain I held for the death of Elemmire, and the deaths of the human family I once loved.

So..... What did you think?!? Going to be a good third book?!? What is going to happen with Reinya and Gorell?!?! You will have to keep reading the following chapters to see!!!!!

I also wanted to ask everyone.... What could YouCantHandle and myself do to make this book even better than the previous?!?! What can we do to better our writing, plot lines, characters, etc... (I might be willing to dedicate the next chapter to someone who is willing to criticize our story for the better)

Lastly, Just wanted to thank all my amazing reader, fans, voters!!!! Elemmire is a finalist in the Watty Awards and I can not begin to express my thoughts!!!!! Thanks :)

Please vote, fan, comment :)

Kt_love and YouCantHandle <3

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