kennith being salty in walmart

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Kennith was having a great day, surprisingly. He had chased a few kids around a tree park for laughing at his girl legs, and he stole their candy. "LOOK AT MY FUCKING COLORBARS YOU LITTLE SHITS!" He screamed at them. He thought of those fond memories as he ate the stolen sweeties. Damn this shits good. He thought. I should go back there later and steal some more. It was at that moment his life was ruined.

"Oi kenny!"A voice called from behind him. He turned around, absolutely disgusted. It was Frances. "What the fuck are you doing here you crab?" he asked the salty crab woman. She replied, "good to fucking see you too asshole". kennith threw his candy at her, summoning his army of vicious bloodthirsty crows. frances cried and ran away. The words 'Level Up' appeared over his head. "Get paid get laid gatorade" kennith said and walked away sassy af

"Hey kenman go get me milk at walmart" nancy ordered when kennith got home. "Wtf are you doing in my house you dead bitch" kennith yelled at nancy's GHOST. nancy used her demon powers to throw kennith out of the house. "DONT COME BACK UNTIL YOU HAVE MILK YOU USELESS LITTLE NINCOMPOOP!!!" nancy squacked. kennith punched a kid in the face and stole her trike. He then set off on his journey to walmart.

After he managed to get a carton of milk, kennith stomped over to the cash register like a pouty little bitch. The woman at the till blinked at him a few times, and said "dude why are you wearing eyeliner you look like a girl." kennith opened the carton of milk and poured it over the womans head. He then said, "im genderfluid you oppressing cis-white scum." he hairflipped his hair and cycled out of the establishment, taking the rest of the milk with him.

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