8 - Write Me an Ancient Artifact

Start from the beginning

A shrill ringing filled the space of the car. It startled me until I looked at my phone and realized it was ringing.

"Hello?" I asked, lifting it to my ear.

"Oh my god, Skylar!" Lina screamed into the receiver. "That was cra-aaaazy!"

Another voice screamed into my ear.

"Ha!" laughed Cora loudly. "I knew Josh was a poo poo! Now you can d-dump his ass!"

They were both obviously drunk.

"Hey, where are you guys?" I asked over their hysteric laughter.

I heard a muffled, "hey, Park, where are we?" from Cora, then, "we're almost to your house, silly Sky."

"My house?" I asked, alarmed. "If you wake up my parents with your drunken stupidity I will be pissed."

"Oh no," Lina whispered into the phone. "Not Salty Sky! Salty Sky is so much worse than Nice Sky!"

Being completely sober, the whole conversation sounded ridiculous.

"Yeah, yeah," I interrupted her. "Just go to the basement and don't be loud. We'll be there in like five minutes."

"Who's we?" Cora asked.

"Me and Oliver."


I ended the call before Cora could make any embarrassing comments and turned to Oliver.

"Turn left up here at the next street."

He smirked. "I know how to get to your house."

My eyebrows shot up. "Yeah cause that's not creepy."

"Skylar," he laughed. "I know your brother. We carpool sometimes when the Helaci and Pemberson football teams scrimmage together."

This was complete news to me. "What - so you're buddy buddy with my brother and before a few days ago I didn't even know you existed?"

"Get your head out of the clouds and pay attention, Sorry," he replied, shrugging.  "I've been in your house before. You were watching television once and I walked in front of the screen and you screamed 'move it or I'll kick your ass'."

I blinked. Why didn't I remember that?

"Seriously?" I asked.

"Yeah," he laughed. He thought for a second, face scrunched up as he bit the corner of his bottom lip. I looked away, heat rising in my face. "Dang, and here I thought you knew who I was."

"Um, well, I didn't."

"Ouch," he laughed again. "So that's why you were so stubborn and bitchy when we first met!"

My mouth fell open. "Okay, I was not bitchy--"

"Oh you so were," he interrupted. "I just thought maybe that was your regular personality - which, now that I think about it, kind of is." He looked at me and I thought about punching his face.

"But - but -" I thought over the events that transpired at Fran's.

"I'm sorry, bro, but—" I had said.

"Hello, Sorry, I'm Oliver," he had replied, then, "Sorry, how very 'middle-aged dad' of me."

"But," I continued. "You introduced yourself. Why introduce yourself if you thought I knew who you were?"

"I don't know," he said, laughing. "You just came in with all this sass. It kind of threw me off."

I chuckled, pulling my knees up and wrapping my arms around them. "I was kind of rude, wasn't I?"

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