Chapter 11: Sorry, but you are fired.

Start from the beginning

All I heard was sniffles. I knew immediately that it was Callie who's crying softly behind the close doors.

I gently pushed it and found her in the corner, hand to her mouth muffling her sobs.

"Hey..." I took her into my arms. She pushed me away.

"You knew?" She asked. I lifted an eyebrow.

"You knew about my termination?!" She asked again, this tine more agitated and louder.

Reluctantly, I nodded.

"How could you not tell me last night?" She accused.

"I... I..." I was speechless.

How could I have told her?

Callie, you have been fired and there's nothing I could do? That is absurd!

"I'm sorry." That's all I could muster. She finally allowed herself to cry in my arms.

After what seems only like a minute, my mobile rang.

"Pat..." It was Ett.

Ett had urgently called me for a situation at the office. Apparently, Callie's remuneration would only be calculated based on per hour work done instead of the previous said of $10,000 per month; since she had not completed her two weeks probation.

There wasn't any way to negotiate with Finley on this either.

"Sh*t!" I cursed, kicking down a chair and storming out of the meeting room.

I was walking towards the lobby when a gal came running towards me.

"Patrick! " She called.

"What!" I replied, pissed at all who works in this office.

"I'm Jasmine. I'm Callie's best friend, I was the one who introduce this job to her. I may know how you can help her." She said simply.


Patrick left the house a while later and I tried to pick myself up. This job's gone, so it's time to find another job and move on. I need to make sure I had enough money for Arts School.

My phone rang again. It was Jasmine.

"Hey, what's up?" I said. Her answer wasn't something I wanted to hear.

"What! Per Hour? " I exclaimed. I felt my heart was stabbed.

"I'm sorry, Cal. I couldn't help much." She replied apologetically.

"It'a alright, Jas. I don't give up so easily. I just need to get another job. " I said, frustrated.

"Of course, that said, I did get you another job!" She replied excitedly.

"Jas!" I exclaimed, shocked about the news.

"Please, no more of those nonsense anymore!" I begged Jasmine not to interfere.

"Well, technically I only helped you scored an interview." She replied.

"What job is that?" I asked, nevertheless excited.

The interview would only be next week!

Oh well, beggers cannot be choosers. During this period, she probably has to tighten her purse strings.


Callie had contemplated on asking dad or mum for a loan. She knew $5 an hour and $300 earning for that week would not even make a dent for the money needed for her tuition fee, and without another job with similar pay within view, she wouldnt make enough for her first year tuition money.

My phone rang again.

"Mum!" I sat up upon hearing that voice.

"May I know why on Earth are you on front page Gossip news?" She asked.

"It's nothing. Don't worry about it." I replied.

"What nothing? That guy is a celebrity, for God's sake!" She yelled over the phone.

"Shut up mum! That's enough! You and dad left me behind remember? So what the fu*k have you have the authority over me? Get out of my life!" I shouted back then slammed the phone.

Why are they so selfish?! God, why did you give me such parents?!?!

Being fired was already bad enough, being taunted by your own mum?!

My life really sucks.

And the worst thing?

Patrick had flew off to Las Vegas that evening for his next round of circuit.

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