Chapter 3

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The house is quite huge for me and Liam, You can't blame me, I only wanted the best for my child, and nevertheless spending your life for four hundred years on earth will make you filthy rich.

As I enter the house, I smell a familiar scent that I knew for the last four hundred years...

"Helena?" I said as I search for her..

Then a cold wind touched my body, and A female appeared in front of me. She gave me her best smile, she did changed a lot the Helena I knew before was innocent, scared of the world, no make up was attached on her face and kind. But now she's different. She's Now the wild, heavy maked up Helena, time do change you alot.

"Oh please Gretelien, how many times do I have to tell you that its Stacey" she said in a sharp voice.

"Whatever you say Helecey" I said while laughing at the combination of Helena and Stacey.

She rolled her eyes " by the way, I missed you Gretelien" she said and collected with her arms. I hug her back.

But deep down she's still the Helena I that I met four hundred years ago. Helena and I are both immortal, but the difference is she's a vampire. I met here when I was in Venice, trying to find the mysterious man. I saved her from the other vampires who tried to kill her, she was a new born that time. And from that moment we became friends..

She know everything about me, including Litheandro and the man I've been searching over for the past four hundred years..

"So how's life going Gretelien? How's my nephew?" She said.

Trust me. She considers Liam as her nephew which I do appreciate.

"Fine, actually he's attending his first day of school, The real school with mortals" I said

Her brows furrowed "oh? So you sent him to the mortal's so called school, where they teach you how to be a monster" she said in disgust..

I can't blame Helena. She really do hate Humans, for humans was the reason why she became a vampire. They killed her for a reason that is so nonsense. And what reason was that? There was once a filthy rich man who was madly in love with Helena, and one day he came to Helena asking for her love, but she refused his offer, she told him she loved somebody else and that was Guillan. And that made the man furious, he scattered a news that Helena was the witch who drags and kill the towns people, which was not bloody true. And so the towns people killed Helena, physically and emotionally, they let her watch the pain that Guillan suffered from the people, they killed him in front of Helena, and they killed her next. After that she was thrown out of the woods, then a man appeared, he turned into her into a monster. And months later, a news scattered that all of the towns people were found dead, that they were killed by a ferocious monster, which was Helena.

"Do want anything to eat Helena?" I said changing the topic.

"It's Stacey! Well I'm kind of thirsty, do you have some red juice in your fridge Gretelien?" She said..

Red juice? Well its blood, not actually a blood of a human, but a blood of an animal. I usually put some blood in my fridge for I know Helena would barged into the house and ask for them.

"Yeah, help yourself" I said, and without a glimpse she disappeared.

Perks of being a vampire. Well I have my own powers too. But I rarely use them, when Athalia threw me to this world. She cursed me a power of the six elements: Fire, Water, air, land, darkness and light. Which I do not consider as a curse. They are not so useful. They can't help me find the mysterious man who could bring me back to my world. And big the question is how am I going to find him when I don't even have a clue what he looks like.

Thoughts and Votes please😉

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