Chapter 4: The Future

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Yamamoto looked at Reborn questioningly but answered none the less. Yamamoto told him the year and day just as he was asked. And sure enough it was confirmed what Reborn had already figured out.

"Nine years and ten months in the future...." Reborn said as he repeated over in his mind what Yamamoto had just told him.

After watching the two, mostly at Reborn, Gianini finally excused himself and left leaving Yamamoto and Reborn alone.

"If you need anything else you know where to find me. If you'll excuse me I need to perfect the barrier also." Gianini turned away from them both and walked out of the room.

Once Gianini was gone all that was left was silence. Neither Reborn or Yamamoto made a sound, the silence was deftning.

"Tell me what exactly is going on here." Reborn demanded.

Yamamoto took in a deep breath and looked Reborn directly in the eyes, "First off what you're feeling is the effects of the non-trinesette radiation. All of the arcobaleno suffered a lot because of it....they all died." Yamamoto leaned against the wall behind him without breaking eye contact with Reborn, "Even the future you. Tsuna....Tsuna took the news the hardest of us all once he heard that your future you died. It took him a long while to get a hold of himself, but he managed to, but then he too died."

Reborn felt as if his heart had dropped all the way to his stomach. Hearing that his future self had died was a shock to him, but not as much as it was to hear of Tsuna's death. He felt lost, for the very first time in practically all his life he felt lost, "How did he die?"

Yamamoto glanced away from Reborn and stared at the ground while he clenched and unclenched his hands, "....He was murdered at a meeting he had with the Melfiore."

'Murdered. Tsuna was murdered.' Reborn felt so much anger. He felt horrible, but at the same time mad at himself because he wasn't there to help Tsuna. Reborn felt as if he had failed. Failed terribly. Failed to keep his student alive. And failed to have taught his student more. He felt that maybe he had failed in teaching something to Tsuna. Which is highly impossible since Reborn had drilled everything he knew into Tsuna's teachings. He did everything, yet he felt such pain and guilt at hearing of Tsuna's death.

"That coffin. Was it Tsuna's?" Reborn asked even though he didn't want to know.

A moment of silence followed for a few seconds, "Yes." Reborn slowly closed his eyes and sighed.

Yamamoto tried desperately to keep his composure, but even recounting Tsuna's death, and seeing Reborn made it so hard. After a few minutes of silence Yamamoto then proceeded to tell Reborn everything else that has been going on. The Vongola being attacked. Family and friends getting killed for any sort of association with the Vongola no matter how small it is.

"....I see."

Yamamoto continued, "We've sent someone to go and look for any remaining friends and relatives and to bring them in to safety. I will be going to soon to retrieve one of those people who were sent."

Reborn nodded, "And who is this person?

"Lal Mirch."


They were still looking for Reborn. They searched everywhere but they couldn't find him, one could say that they checked in every crock and cranny and still found nothing. Not even a clue to where Reborn could be.

Gokudera had gone in search for Reborn at the school. Haru had gone to ask Yamamoto if he had seen Reborn. And Tsuna had gone to the park to look around as well.

Goodbye And HelloOnde histórias criam vida. Descubra agora