Chapter 4: The Future

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So I updated.  Pretty quick if I do say so myself, considering how long it took me to update last time.  So yeah.  But I kind of think this chapter needed something else, so it might not be very well.  And honestly I really couldn't remember some of the stuff that happened in the series so I actually had to go back and see it, well that parts that I wasn't sure of.  I think I tried too hard that it actually ended up kind of bad.  Sorry for any bad spelling, or grammar.  And also if it sucks, sorry for that too.



As quickly as possible Yamamoto ran with Reborn in his arms. He ran so fast that no even ten minutes had gone by when Yamamoto had finally stopped running. It seemed like they had already made it to their destination.

"We're here at the base." Yamamoto said answering Reborn's unasked question.

After entering the base, the first thing that Yamamoto did was to run and look for Gianini. He'd be able to do something to help Reborn in his current condition.

"Gianini I need your help!" Yamamoto called out as he practically kicked open the doors to the lab.

Letting out a startled yelp Gianini jumped from his seat in front of the computer at the sound of the yell calling for him, and the loud bang that the doors made. He quickly turned around and saw Yamamoto. Gianini opened his mouth to speak, but whatever he was about to say died down after seeing who was in Yamamoto's arms.

Gianini stared at Reborn for a long time, 'An illusion? No. But it can't be really him....' He could clearly see the rise and fall of the shoulders as he breathed in and out, which was very rapid, 'Unless he's not our Reborn.?' Before Gianini could get lost any further in his own thoughts Yamamoto spoke, "I need you to find a way to prevent Reborn from feeling the effects here quickly!"

"Right away!" Gianini said as he quickly began to work.

~Time Skip (Twenty Minutes Later)~

After a long twenty painful wait Gianini was finally done. Gianini wanted to finish as soon as possible, but if he had gone any faster he would have ruined everything and just make things worse than they were already for. It hurt him badly at knowing that Reborn was suffering and had to wait in pain for Gianini to make something to help. Gianini knew how deadly these effects are to the arcobaleno, after all the others fell victim to it as well.

Gianini had made a white one piece outfit with a round glass attached to the chest for the perfect size for the pacifier to fit in.

"I'm sorry it took so long." Gianini said as he took a step back to get a better look at Reborn to make sure that everything fit perfectly, "But this should help a lot. I have also made a barrier around the base to keep you safe."

Reborn carefully adjusted everything to his liking before looking up at Gianini from his spot on the couch in the living room, "Thank you Gianini." Reborn was very grateful to him, if it weren't for him and also Yamamoto for finding him on time, Reborn would have most likely also met the same fate the other arcobaleno did.

After looking at Reborn for a few more seconds Gianini finally asked, "Reborn-san how did you get here? I know you're not the Reborn from this time."

Reborn gave a curt nod, "I was hit with the ten year bazooka." Reborn glanced around the room and saw a calendar on the wall and there he noticed something was off. He wasn't ten years in the future, "What year and day is it?"

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