Chapter 22

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We get back in the cab and Ayana snuggles into me. I caress her back and I look in the mirror and the cab driver smiles at us. He pulls up in front of Jack and Kaylee's place. The first thing we notice is a massive man standing out in front of the house. I help Ayana get out of the cab and I grab our bags.

"You Riley and Ayana?" he asks with booming voice to match his huge frame.

"Yeah." I say holding tightly to Ayana's hand.

"I'm Bruno Stavos I am the guard that the NYPD sent. Nice to meet you both."

"Nice to meet you too." I say. I shake his hand. Ayana surprises us both by hugging him.

"Thank you." She says with a smile. Though he looks scary as all hell he smiles broadly at her.

"You're very welcome." He says. We head into the house and there is no one home.

"I am going to call them." Ayana says.

"Ok, babe. You want something to eat?" I ask handing her my cell phone.

"No. What is there to drink?"

"Let me check." I look in the fridge and only see a beer and a coke. They really need to go shopping. I hold up the coke and beer and I laugh. She points to the coke and smiles. I open it and place it on the counter in front of her. I head to the bathroom to wash up a bit. I go back into the kitchen. I take a drink from her coke and the bubbles tickle my nose. I kiss her on the lips they taste of coke.

"They are at the bodega." She tells me.

"Ok. I am going to go get your medication and cast cover. Is there anything else that you want?"

"I made a small list." She hands me a folded up piece of paper. I put it in my pocket.

"Bruno is outside if anything happens."

"Ok babe." she says. I go and kiss her goodbye. I walk out of the house.

"I'll be right back." I tell Bruno and he nods at me. I walk up the block to my favorite mom and pop pharmacy.

"Yo Riley how things?" The owner says when I walk in.

"Could be better Mario but hey what can you do."

"What can I do for ya?"

"I need to fill these for my girl." I hand him the prescriptions.

"Alright. Give me twenty minutes."

"It's all good. My girl gave me a list of things she needs. I maybe here for a bit." I laugh.

I take the list out of my pocket. I unfold it. I look at what she wrote and I almost freak out. She put condoms on the list. What in the world. My face is blazing hot. I go around the store collecting the items on her list. I grab a cast cover, lollipops, different entertainment magazines, gum, chocolate, sunflower seeds and shampoo. I find a small teddy bear that has a tiny cast on. I decide that i am gonna get it for her. I go down the isle that has condoms. Luckily the shop is empty. I look at all the different kinds. Ribbed, Lubed, florescent I am so confused. I decide to text Jack.

Me: Jack what is the best condom brand?

Jack: What!? LOL

Me: Dude. Stop

Jack: Trojans

Me: Thanks. Not a word of this to Kaylee

Jack: Ok

I grab the one that looks best and place it in my cart. I head toward the front of the store.

"You're prescriptions are ready." Mario says

I pay for everything and walkout. I remember that I need to call Beth for Tony. I get my phone out and look up the number for the diner. Once i find it I dial it up.

"Davey's diner. Beth speaking. How can I help you?"

"Great! Beth it's Riley Ryan."

"Hi Riley. What can I do for you?"

"I was calling to talk to you. My managment team is really interested in Jonah for a role in a movie that I am up for."

"What. Really?" She says surprised.

"Yeah. I can put you in contact with Tony Dean and he can give you more information. I will have him go to the diner to talk to you in person. Is Jonah with you?"

"As a matter of fact he is. His sitter is having lunch with him."

"Can I send Tony over now?"

"Sure I am about to take my lunch break with Jonah now."

"Ok. Talk soon. Say hi to Jonah for me."

"Bye Riley. Thank you." She says as I hang up. I send Tony a quick text.

Me: Jonah's mother say's she'll meet you she works at Davey's but you have to go now.

Tony: On my way. Thanks Riley.

Ayana wrote on her list that she wanted me take the condoms to my house. I go into my bedroom and place them in my dresser. I am still confused by why she asked me to buy them. Only Jack and now Ayana know that I am still a virgin. I think the reason I never had sex is beacause I had so many walls up. I wanted to save that moment for someone special and I was always so scared to love anyone. I was fearful of getting hurt again. This time is different but I do not want to rush her into anything she isn't ready for. I think I may be ready. I walk back to Jack's. I go in and everyone is in the kitchen except Ayana. Emma and Kaylee are starting to cook. I wave at them.

"Where is Ayana?"

"In her room." Jack says and winks at me.

"Knock it off Jack." I laugh. I go and knock on her door.

"Come in."

"I got everything on your list."

"Did you now?" She smiles.

"Why did you have me buy that?" I ask.

"Buy what?" She teases.

"You know."

"You can't even say the word."

"Ok. Why did you have me buy ummm errrr." My breath catches in my throat and i whisper. "Condoms."

"Well I want to be ready when the time is right." she says. My heart is pounding in my chest. I go and cup her face with my hands. My breathing hitches and I kiss her softly. I show her all the things I bought her. I surprise her with the teddy bear which she squeals over. She places the bear next to the monkey.

"That was some list you gave me." I laugh. I take the cast cover out while she is undressing. I look up and she standing naked in front of me. "Damn woman. You are so beautiful." I kiss her while my hands skate across her sides. We stop kissing and she puts on her robe. I roll up the sleeve of her robe. I place the cast cover on her arm. "Go take your shower you stinky girl." I tease her. She laughs. "Babe don't freak out but my mom is coming to dinner too."

"Really? I can't wait to meet her." She says. Which makes me so happy. she heads out the door and I swat her behind. She yelps and laughs. She goes into the bathroom and winks at me.

I stand there in awe of the love that i am feeling for her. My mind is going in over drive of what we may do. I decide it is best to get my mind on other things before someone notices see's that I thinking naughty things. I laugh to myself and decide that it is best for me to go see if they need help in kitchen.

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