Chapter 9

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I open my garage and drive the car into it. I sit for a few minutes and smile thinking about my night and how much fun I had with her. I have never felt comfortable with girls but she made me feel like I could be myself. I finally get out of my car and head into my house. Once I get in I strip to my underwear and collapse in my bed. I take in a deep breath and I can still smell her and it makes me happy. I fall asleep hard. I am awoken by my phone ringing I reach for my wayfarer eye glasses on my night stand and put them on to see who is calling me. I look at the screen but I do not recognize the number.

'Hello?" I answer with a groggy voice.

"Mr. Ryan this is Vaughn from Sophisticated Suits reminding you of your last minute alterations today." I dart up in the bed fast.

"What time?"

"At three sir." He tells me. I look at the time and it is 2:15.

"I'll be there shortly." I hang up.

I damn it I over slept. I almost forgot about my tuxedo for premier. I have just enough time to jump in the shower and head over there. Just as I wrap the towel around my waist my phone rings again.

"Hello." I answer.

"Good Morning Riley." Jack laughs.

"What's up Bro."

"What are you gonna do right now."?

"I have to get my alternations for my tuxedo. I almost forgot about it."

"Yeah I got mine this morning and the guy was freaking out that you hadn't come in yet. I told him you had a late photo shoot. You wanna roll with us to the pottery place to see Kaylee and Ayana?"

"Go with me to the tux place and we can head over after that. Who is us?"


"Cool see ya in five." I go and put on a pair of shorts and white shirt. I walk over to Jack's and they are waiting on the stoop. "Subway?" I ask.

"Nah I'm gonna drive." Johnny says. We get in the car and I get in the back seat. I lie down in the back. I am still feeling completely exhausted but it was well worth it.

"Why are you so tired?" Johnny asks.

"Long photo shoot last night and some of us went out after and I came in after 5 this morning."

"Did you have fun?" he asks.

"Yeah it was the best ever." I say and yawn.

We get to the tuxedo shop with a few minutes to spare. We are placed in a private room and offered beer which makes us smile.

"Please remove your clothing, leave your underwear on." The shop owner Hector tells me.

"Ok." I start to take off my shorts and shirt off. While Hector is leaving the room to get the tux.

"Man so not fair!" Johnny says.

"What's not fair?" Jack asks.

"Look at him and look at us. He even has that V Muscle thing." Johnny says while pointing at my groin area.

"Knock it off Johnny!" I say laughing.

Hector walks back in and hands me the tuxedo and I put it on. He makes notes and arranges the suit with pins. I am finally able to take it off and hand I back to Hector.

"It will be ready at 10 AM on Friday."

"Perfect! Thank You Hector." He leaves the room and I get dressed again.

"I'm starving!" Johnny whines.

"Let's go grab some hot dogs from across the street." I say.

"Ok." Jack says. We head over to the hot dog place. We grab two hot dogs a piece. We find an empty booth and we sit down to eat our food.

"How did the shoot go.?" Jack asks with a sly smile.

"Excellent!" I say and smile thinking back to last night.

"How did she do?"

"She did great!"

"Who did great?" Johnny asks with his mouthful of food.

"Ayana was my photographer last night."

"Oh that's cool, what sort of photos did she take? Johnny asks.

"Me in a suit, casual clothes and shirtless."

"Wait she saw your body?"

"Yeah. So what."

"Like I said look at me and look at you."

"Get over it Bro." Jack says shaking his head.

"Fine!' Johnny pouts.

"Let's go see the girls." Jack says.

We decide to walk there since it was only a few blocks away. We get there and we knock on the front door because it was after hours. Ayana sees us and smiles brightly. She opens the door for us and lets us in.

"How's it going?" Johnny asks her while hugging her. He lets her go and she hugs Jack and I too. She looks cute in her shorts and pottery t-shirt. She is wearing the same chucks as me and she notices and smiles.

"Shoe twins." She smiles at me. "Oh Johnny by the way thank you for the flowers she says quickly while sweeping but not looking at him.

"Flowers?" I say trying to sound amused but I am truly feeling annoyed.

"Yeah so." Johnny quips.

"I thought Johnny Vargas doesn't do flowers?" I laugh.

"Shut up Bro!" Johnny says as he punches my arm. " Hey Ayana I got free passes to the art museum there is a Frida Khalo exhibit. Would you like to go with me?"

"Oh I love her work! Of course I'll go." Ayana says.

"Can I use the bathroom?" Johnny asks.

"Sure you can!" She says. I wait until he is gone out of the room to take my chance.

"Hey did you get enough sleep?" I ask her with a smile.

"Hell no! How about you?" She asks. I notice Jack is watching us intently.

"Not even I woke up super late. Hey you wanna watch Freddy with me later?" I ask her hopeful. I notice Jack's eyes bugging now which makes me want to laugh.

"What time?" She asks.

"Whenever your done with your date with Johnny el loco." I laugh and dodge her tiny fists when she tries to smack me.

"Ok I'll bring snacks. Hey thanks for last night I had a blast with you!" She hugs me again my heart is pounding in my chest. Jack now looks like his eyes will really bug out of his skull.

"It was my pleasure Ayana! Hey Jack , you and Kaylee come too. See you later Ayana get my info from Jacko. I gotta go and clean up my house." I say laughing.

I walk out the door and look in the window and see Jack looking back at me looking so confused. Ayana's back is turned and Jack mouths to me "What the hell" I just smile from ear to ear. He gives me the thumbs up. I wave at him I walk down the street with my head in the clouds.

LOVE IS 2 Revealing RileyTempat cerita menjadi hidup. Temukan sekarang