Chapter 14

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DAMN RILEY!! My ears!" Jack yells.

"I am sorry. Damn it!" I say.

"Relax, she called and I explained everything to her."

"Oh God. I am gonna pound Tony's damn face."

"Take a deep breath and it will be fine. Just go and talk to her." He hangs up.

AlI eyes are on me for my outburst on the phone. I could careless what they think. I grab the flowers for Ayana and Jess from Dona Rosa and thank her. I run and find Jess and hand her the flowers I got for her. She hugs and thanks me.

"Jess I'll come back for you in a bit ok?"

"No Ri, I'll meet you there. Take care of what you need to."

"Thanks Jess you're the best!" I say while running out. I head into the elevator and it goes down super slowly. I am being super impatient but I need to get to Ayana fast to sort this whole mess out. I make it out of the building and onto the sidewalk. I look up and see Ton. My blood begins to boil when I see his face."What the hell is your problem Tony!" Why did you tell Ayana that Jess is my girlfriend!!" I yell at him. I am toe to toe with him. His head is almost to my chin he is so short.

"I'm only looking out for you my boy. I know you value your privacy."

" I understand that but this is my real life your trying to mess with!"

"It's not just you sweet boy think of Jess."

"I'm tired of everyone telling me to think of this person or think of that person! WHAT ABOUT ME! I point to myself.

"Riley, I am sorry I am just looking out for you."

"Whatever you tell yourself to sleep at night. I am gonna go see her right now." I say as I start to walk away.

"You are so stubborn! Wait I will walk you over." He huffs and narrows his eyes at me.


We walk over in complete silence. I am so scared that this thing that we have will be over even before it had a chance to begin. We enter to the venue door and heart feels like it is going to explode. I am beyond anxious and I am trying to remain calm. We get in the elevator to the top floor I begin to nervously click the heel of my grey winged tip shoes on the linoleum floor. I get a dirty look from Tony which I return right back. The doors open and we begin to walk out. Tony places his hand on my chest to stop me from walking.

"Wait here I'll clear the room out." He says.

Tony walks into a room towards the back of the hall. I see people begin to walk out and head into another room he motions me over with a hand wave. I walk down the corridor my shoes echoing loudly in the empty hall matching the pounding in my chest. I Get to the door and stand there staring at it. I take a deep breath and I open the door slowly. The sight of her takes my breath away. I am at a loss for words.

"Oh my....WOW." I finally spit out. "Tony give us a minute"I say without taking my eyes off of her. He hesitates for a second and rolls his eyes.

"Fine it's your life dude. RUIN IT IF YOU WANT!"

"Shut the hell up and get out NOW!" I snap back. Tony leaves in a huff muttering under his breath. I turn my attention back to Ayana. "Jessica is not my girlfriend they made me do this to make the paparazzi believe it so we could keep our privacy. I promise it's only you Ayana." I say while wrapping my arms around her.

"Ok, I 'll admit that I freaked out a little bit but I get it." She says looking up at me. I get lost in her beautiful brown eyes.

"You look simply gorgeous babe." I bend down and kiss her lips.

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