Is It Dark? It's On The Hunt...

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[WARNING: Gets a bit dark and bloody during the flashback!]

(A/n: This chapter is not really moving the story along, but is giving you a story from your past. Want to find out what happens? Go Read It!)

~~~ A Couple Hours Earlier ~~~

"Do you know what song it is that will kill you?" Rai asks quietly, while still in his mortal form.

"How should I know!? If I knew what song it was that would ultimately kill me, I wouldn't be so scared!" (Y/n) screamed at Rai, realizing the others might've heard her.

'Oh no! Did the others hear me? I really hope not! If they find out about Rai, I have no clue what they'll do to me!' (Y/n) thought, as she face-palmed at her own frustration.

~~~ Back To The Present ~~~

'What if they found out my other secret!? What would happen to me!? Would I immediately be killed, or would they spare me? It's scary just to think about.' (Y/n) thought as she restlessly paced back and forth in her room, Rai silently floating along side her.

'I wonder why (Y/n)'s pacing back and forth. This isn't like her to do so.' Rai thought, as he was startled by (Y/n)'s sudden growl of frustration.

"Grrr! I'm so frustrated!" (Y/n) exclaimed suddenly, visually startling Rai out of his own thoughts.

"Good ghost! You scared me half to life!" Rai says, relieved it was nothing serious.

"Oh really, mister? You stole my joke!" (Y/n) jokes with Rai cheerfully.

"No I didn't! Your joke was, "You scared me half to mortal life.", while mine is, "You scared me half to life." Rai says back jokingly.

"Yeah yeah Rai!" (Y/n) says, quietly giggling, before heading out of her room.

"Where are we going?" Rai asks (Y/n) aloud.

At the moment, (Y/n) and Rai are allowed to speak aloud freely because the Sakamaki brothers are all at school, while (Y/n) got to stay home and sleep through the night, but tonight, (Y/n) couldn't really sleep. It had been on your mind all night.

"So, what was bugging you back in your room?" Rai asks cautiously, knowing some subjects could throw you into a screaming fit.

(A/n: What? Screaming fits? You never signed up for this? You're reading this, aren't you? Just go along with it!)

"O-Oh, it's nothing." (Y/n) says, hating herself for stuttering.

"Hmm, you stuttered. You never stutter, unless you're scared of something. What're you trying to hide?" Rai asks, having broke through (Y/n)'s little white lie before she had had the time to blink.

"Haha, I knew you'd figure it out. You do know me really well." (Y/n) says to Rai, before she chuckled nervously, contemplating whether she should tell Rai her other secret, or if it should actually stay a secret.

"Umm, well, you know how I treat the brothers kind of like my Masters right?" (Y/n) asks Rai quietly, nervousness and restlessness present in her mind.

"Well, yeah. Of course." Rai says, absolutely confused on why (Y/n) was asking that question.

"Well, they may be my Masters, but they aren't my first Masters..." (Y/n) says nervously as she watched Rai's expression change from confusion, to absolute surprise.

"What!? What do you mean they aren't your first Masters!?" Rai exclaims in utter confusion.

Suddenly, (Y/n) had a great pain in her heart, and she was not only surprised by this, but horrified.

'W-What's going on!?' (Y/n) thought as she bared her fangs in pain, and grabbed onto her shirt.

"What's wrong, (Y/n)!?" Rai asks worriedly.

"I-I have this sharp pain in my chest, a-and I think my brothers can feel this too." (Y/n) says as she dropped to one knee.

"Your brothers?" Rai questions, as if he doesn't know who they are.

"Yeah, m-my brothers. The A-Akastski brothers, r-remember? A long time ago t-they went on a trip or w-whatever and since then, I-I haven't seen them m-much. It was at t-that time that you w-were killed as well." (Y/n) said, while thinking that something about her statement was a little odd.

'When my brothers disappeared, Rai was killed... No! It couldn't be!' (Y/n) thought, as a horrible scene flashed through her mind.

****Flashback To When (Y/n) Was About Three Years of Age****

"Mommy!" (Y/n) screamed as loud as she could. 

"No... Your mommy is no longer of this world... child..." a strange voice said from the darkness.

"No! Mommy has to be okay! Why did you make me do that!?" (Y/n) screamed at the voice.

"What ever do you mean cursed child? You were the one to kill your mother..." the maniacal voice said creepily, before fading into the darkness of the young child's unconscious mind.

"No... Mommy has to be okay..." (Y/n) said softly between sobs, as she looked down at her blood covered mother.

"I hate that voice mommy! I wanted it to go away! Mommy, I'm so sorry! Please! I didn't mean to! Mommy, I'm so sorry!" (Y/n) yelled between sobs, as her hands clung to her bloodied nightgown, as she looked upon her mother, and the bloodied kitchen knife that she had used to kill her.

****End Of Flashback****

"No! Why!? Why is it coming back now!? Why are you coming for me, Darkness!?" (Y/n) screams out towards the sky, as blood comes from her eyes as tears, before she faints.

~~~~In The Akastski Residence~~~~

"Ack! W-What's this pain I'm feeling?" Sukiro asks his brothers, as they all yell out in pain and grab onto their shirts.

"I-It's (Y/n). She's remembering her Darkness! Her Darkness is hunting her, and this is how it finds us and (Y/n)." Yuichi says while shaking with pain, and speaking through bared fangs.

"Gah! What was she thinking!? Letting her guard down like that! Doesn't she know that this hurts us too!? She's such a dumb, little, brat! We never should've let her come into our family!" Leon roars ferociously, as he trembles in pain, and drops to one knee.

"Leon, calm down! She's the only sister we have! We're lucky He let us have her, rather than those Mukami mutts!" Sukiro yells at Leon through bared fangs, as he too drops to one knee.

"Wait! Won't that Spirit be after her now, while she's unconscious!?" Kairo says, while baring through the pain in his chest, even though he falls unconscious the next moment.

The ones still conscious gasp and growl...

"Grrr! No! I knew that spirit was there! I sensed the Spirit's presence, but I didn't realize it at the time!" Sukiro growls in frustration and pain, as the rest of the brothers drop onto both knees, and slowly pass out from the intensity of the pain.

Before Yuichi faints, he lays Kairo's body by a near wall, and then brings the unconscious Leon and Sukiro close, before putting up a small barrier with the rest of his power, to protect the unconscious brothers.

'We need to save her from Darkness and that Spirit... B-But how?...'

Akastski Secret (Diabolik Lovers x Fem!Half-Vampire Reader)Dove le storie prendono vita. Scoprilo ora