Leyla:„I-i eh ab--about Grayson."

I lied.

I can't say that I'm thinking about Nash.

I can see to the mirror that he is smiling.

Dad:„You really like him. Don't you?"


That's not a lie. I like Grayson a lot. I don't know what I would do without him.

Dad:„That's nice."


When we arrived at school, I decided to go in to my classroom without paying attention to the others. I have maths now... ugh please kill me.
Good, there are still free seats. I walk fast to my seat. We have 5 minutes until the lesson starts. Mira walks into the classroom. I almost forgot that we have together maths. When she sees me, she immediately walks towards me.

Mira:„Where were you?"

Leyla:„I was with Grayson, I couldn't leave him alone."

Mira:„Yeah... I heard about him. How is he?"

Leyla:„Good, he is annoying everyone again."

Mira:„Hahaha. Omg you missed so much yesterday."

It's always the same. When you are at school nothing happens, nothing, zero, nada, nothing. But when you are gone for a day, then so much happens for example there were 5 fights, the cafeteria burned down, Justin Bieber came to our school. Okay not really Justin Bieber but you know what I mean.


Mira:„Omg, first Riley and Ethan talked with each other -"



Mira:„Yes, because both of them are going to play in the stage play."

What stage play?


Mira:„Next week on 14th February which means on Valentine's Day will be a stage play. They play Romeo and Juliet. Your and Grayson's parents are supporting it."

Oh yeah... I forgot to say that, our parents are always helping our school to set up and support these kind of things. They also help our school in many things. It has his pro and cons, if you know what I mean. Sometimes it's really annoying. But I didn't even know that they wanted to make a stage play. Anyway, now to the most important thing, Riley and Ethan are going to play Romeo and Juliet!!! Oh my god, which means that they're going to kiiiiissssss each other! Riley is going to get a heart attack. Ethan too.

Leyla:„Oh my god, that's awesome.""

Mira:„Yeeeessss, they both are coming closer."

Leyla:„Omg I know."

Mira:„Let me continue."


Mira:„Yesterday there was also a big fight between Nash and Taylor Caniff. They both were about to punch each other."

Oh god...



Our Teacher comes into the class room and starts with his lesson. It's not food when we talk in his lesson because if you make a noise is going to give you detention. And I don't want to get detention. Even though I really wanna know what happened between Nash and Taylor.

Leyla:„Later you can tell me what happened."


Mr. Stevens:„Ms Leyla and Ms Mira, one more thing and you are going to get detention."

We both turn around so we can only face the board.


Finally lunch, I couldn't wait one more minute because of the excitement. I have to know why they fought yesterday. The teacher let's us go. I pack my stuff and wait for Mira.

Leyla:„Come on, now tell me, why did they fight?"

Mira:„chill, I have to pack my stuff."

Leyla:„Do it faaaaaast."


Leyla:„I can't chill, it's about my Nashi."

She starts laughing. When she finally got her stuff we walked out of the classroom. I look at her excited, until she finally tells me what happened.


She gets cut off.


We both turn around and face Jack. Great.

Mira runs fast towards him and hugs him really tight. That's not the right time children, I want to know what haaaapeneeeeed. I beg y'all want to know it too.

They both are still hugging each other and now they start kissing. Oh gooooooooood. Ugh.

Leyla:„Can't that wait until later?"

I roll my eyes.

Jack looks at me and laughs.

Mira:„Leeeeylaaa hahaha."

She looks at me and than at Jack. She bites her lips and looks to me again.

Please don't...

Mira:„Leyla, I'll tell you later what happened."

Oh no. I want to know it now!

She takes Jack's hand and they both walk away.

Leyla:„Miiiiraaa please."

She just left me. How am I going to wait until later??
Ndbdvdjsbd uuughhh.

I walk to my locker to take my books for my next lesson.

Suddenly someone puts his hand on my shoulder and I immediately turn around to face the person.

I can't believe who is standing in front of me...

From Best Friend To Best Lover [Grayson Dolan Fanfiction]Where stories live. Discover now