Love's a Galaxy

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Phil's POV

I lay in bed staring at the ceiling well not exactly the ceiling, the glow in the dark sky on the ceiling. I remembered the day Dan had  got them for me perfectly.
It was the day I'd been on YouTube for 10 years. Nearly two whole years ago! Dan came back from the shop with a bag full of cereal. He told me to go and  put it away and make some tea.
So I did.
5 minutes later, I was walking extra slowly to the living room, so as not to spill anything.
I walked in and Dan jumped out from behind the sofa and screamed 'HAPPY 10TH BIRTHDAY AMAZINGPHIL!!'. 
After I had recovered from the shock, he came and handed me a perfectly wrapped box.
I stood there staring at it. I didn't know what to do.
"Well open it!" Dan said, pushing the box into me.
So I did. I carefully took the paper off and revealed the galaxy box underneath. The words 'Glow in the Dark Sky' were printed in neon green across the front. I looked up and saw Dan's nervous face peering back at me.
He knew I'd always wanted them.
"Dan-" I started unsure of what to say
"Let's go put them up" he was practically out of the room already.
I followed Dan, laughing at him as he bounced along the corridor towards my room.  I'm still convinced he was more excited than me.
When we got to my room, I sat on the end of my bed whilst Dan dragged a chair out from my desk and clambered onto it.
"DAN! Be careful! Please" I said
"Don't worry so much Phil" Dan laughed.
I love it when he laughs.  His whole face lights up. And those dimples! They get me every time.
15 minutes later, Dan had attached the last star to my ceiling. As he turned to get down, the chair wobbled and Dan jumped off.
As soon as I saw the chair move, I jumped up to try and save Dan but he was stood right in front of me, perfectly fine, laughing at how faced I had moved and how worried I had looked.
I wanted to kiss him so bad. I could have just leaned forwards a few inches…
But I punched his arm playfully and told him to 'shut up' instead.

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