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I woke up this morning to a text message from Chresanto. and India

||Text Message||

Chres: hey uh can I get Kamiya this week..just to do some catching up with her

me: sure ...what time

Chres: now if u can

me: ok....where do we meet up at

Chres: my house on tm blvd

me: okay

( convo with india)

India: morning

me: good morning

India: so I need you to come to my house its a fashion emergency

me: okay after I take miya somewhere

India: ok see ya sis

||End of conversation ||

I grabbed some clothes out of my bag and walked into the bathroom. I turned on the water , took off my clothes and stepped in the shower. The warm water hit my body as I washed with dove soap. My hair drooped down my back, while the shampoo cleaned it. I finished showering after about 30 minutes. I got out the shower and lotioned my body and put on my clothes. I pulled my hair into a soppy bun. I sprayed some of my Pink Friday perfume and then brushed my teeth and washed my face. I woke miya up and washed her off. I put her clothes on and she brushed her teeth and washed her face. I packed her some clothes and we made our way to Chresanto's house. I took Jacob's car.

We pulled up to his house and I got out of the car and knocked on his door.

Chres:(opens his door) hey

me: hey

Kamiya: hey daddy

Chres: hey princess....Kamiya go inside I have to talk to your mom

kamiya: otay ( goes inside)

Chres: so shes staying until sunday

me: I guess

We continued to talk then I started to walk away when I was pulled into a friendly hug.

Chres: I know we aren't together but we still can be good friends right?

me: of course

Chres: okay ( lets go) bye friend

me: bye

I left and went to india's house. I walked in and went straight to her room. she was pacing back and forth. I walked up to her and put my hand on her shoulders to stop her.

Me: whats wrong

India: Jacobs parents are coming to meet me and my parents are coming to meet him tonight and im nervous. He told me where something nice but I don't have anything nice to wear.

Me: show me what u got

she walked to her closet and started throwing her clothes out. She threw a black tight dress and I caught it. I looked at it and then looked at her red heels. I ran over to them and put them together. Perfect!! I went over to her dresser and got a gold watch, Gold enlace, and some golden stud earrings.

me: I found the outfit

India: ( turns around) omg thank you so much

me: so when are they coming over

India: at 3 and I still need to make food

Me: what are you cooking and u better not say hotdog and beans

My Feelings Are Real (A RocRoyal Love Story/ jacob Latimore)Where stories live. Discover now