The Breakup

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He was kissing all on her. Didn't even stop. I don't think he even noticed me. we just kept walking..I was deeply hurt,,I never felt so alone in my life. Maybe its best we leave each other alone.

India: don't worry about'll find someone else

Me: it doesn't matter to me..he can do what he wants I just hope he doesn't come running back to me when she fucks him over.

She laughed at me and we walked into forever 21. They had nice clothes there. I looked at so many clothes I started to get dizzy. It actually took my mind off of Chresanto. After about 5 hours( its 8:30 pm) i went back home and flopped on my bed. I was so tired.I bought alot of thingd for everyone in the house. Jay,craig,kamiya, Myself and even chres. i thought bout if i should leave Chres and decided i need to talk to my only roll dog....craig. i walked into his room and saw he and kamiya were sleep. He truely loves her..he even had a picture of her and jay as his screen saver. its mine too . anyways i picked kamiya up and tapped Craig.

craig: whats up

me: we needa talk

craig: about

me; chres

craig: what did he do

me: he is cheating on me...

Craig: how are u so sure

mw: i saw it in his phone and when i went to the mall i saw him kissing on anouther girl who im guesing was kayla and i dont know what to do

Craig: do what ur heart tells you

me: what if my heart doesnt want to be with him

Craig: then u should agree

me: i guess ur right but i dont want to hurt him

Craig: if he's cheating on u he obviously doesnt care about your feelings

me: i know

craig: do what u gotta do sis

me: ok

i walked out of his room then gave him and jay their things i brought from the mall. I got in the shower, put on a purple sports bra, and gray sweatpants. I wet my hair and put it into a sloppy, sad , type of bun. I was going through depression. I washed kamiya and put on her baby pjs. i wanted to just cry so long so i did. i held kamiya and looked at my beautiful creation. She looked so much like chresanto which eventually made me cry. Just thinking of him and what he did hurts me.

&& 30 minutes later &&

Chres walked into my room dorr and trued to hug me but i pushed him away.

Chres: whats wrong bae

me: i cant do this anymore

chres: do what

me: be with you

chres: FUCK U MEAN

me: ur cheating on me and i dont want to deal with it

chres: what i would never do an-


Chres: .......


he sat in scilence and then walked out never returning.

{A/N: did trey make the right decision ? comment telling me what she should do...Oh and Merry Christmas eve hope u guys have fun tomorrow}

My Feelings Are Real (A RocRoyal Love Story/ jacob Latimore)Where stories live. Discover now