You still care (continuation )

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~Trey POV~

I was sleeping when I heard someone walk into my room. I didn't bather because I figured it was jake or India leaving. But something was different I felt as if I was being watched so I decided to wake up. When I woke up I saw chres starring at me. I got out of the bed , brushed my teeth , looked at myself in the mirror . I watched jake sleep in the tub. Such and idiot. I turned on the water and ran back into the room covering myself with the covers and chres just stood there watching me .

Jake: WTF ... Who turned on the water

Me: ( giggling )

Jake:( walks out the bathroom and jumps on my bed trying to irritate me)

Me:( fake wakes up ) WHAT

Jake: I know you turned on the water

Me: what are you talking about

Jake: ight you wanna play games I'm leaving

Me: bye loser

Jake: I gotta change be back in 30 ight

Me: okay

Jake:( leaves)

Me: so uh u read the email

Chres: what are you talkin bout

Me: such a bad liar

Chres: well to be honest I did read the email and I'm so sorry I didn't mean to put you through pressure if you don't wanna have it you don't have to you can get an abortion

Me: why would I get an abortion

Chres: be cause your young amd might not be able to take care of it

Me: I'm going to be fine .... Why'd you do that anyway

Chres: well wthe truth is that I love you

Me: l-l-love me

Chres : yes I just never had the courage to tell you

Me: r-really

Chres: yea

Me: hmmmmm

chres: so would you b-be my girlfriend


Chres: I understand .imma just leave now ( walks out the door)


Chres:( comes back ) yes

Me: we'll I just wanted to tell you that although I can't be your girlfriend I could still be good friends with you

Chres: you have a boyfriend

Me: yea jake

Chres: oh well we still friends right

Me: of courses now be a good friend and take me downstairs

Chres: first you have to let me touch your hair

Me: go ahead but if you pull imma pull your hair

Chres: ion have hair

Me: yea you do

Chres: don't talk about my baby curls

Me: we'll don't talk about mine

Chres: I wasn't

Me: yes you was

Chres: no I wasn't

Me: yes you was

Chres: no I wasn't


My Feelings Are Real (A RocRoyal Love Story/ jacob Latimore)Où les histoires vivent. Découvrez maintenant