Chapter 8pt2

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"So do you want to hang out?" he nibbled on the carrot looking at everyone who passed by.

"You want to hang out... with me?" I asked in disbelief.

"Do you have low self-esteem?" he still wasn't looking at me.

"Excuse me?"

"You don't believe in yourself" he mused.


"You asked me if I wanted to hang out with you when I had already said I wanted to hang out with you. Disbelief meaning you don't have much faith in yourself" he shook his head then he looked at me suddenly, his eyes burning into mine, I wanted to tell him to stop "Don't do that, you must never think little of yourself" he took my trolley and started walking and I stood there for a second to gather my thoughts before I followed behind him.

"I can't" I said walking next to him.

"Can't or afraid to?" I was surprised at how he used 'afraid to' opposed to 'don't want to'


"Okay some other time maybe?"

"Why do you suddenly wanna hang out with me? We've been in the same school for years and now..." I trailed off taking some apples and putting them in the trolley.

"I had not heard you speaking until you almost killed me with that death trap of yours"

"Let me get this straight, you want to hang out with me because you like the way I talk?"

"I am amused by the way you think"

"You are so weird" I sighed.

"Do you play any instruments?"


"I'm going now, if you change your mind you know where I live" he gave me one last glance and left.

Okay so I think I have established that fact that he is pretty weird and borderline confusing. Maybe he has a multiple personality disorder, sometimes he's a really bad boy sometimes he's just a decent formal boy who is very confusing.

After I was done shopping and loading the stuff into my truck, I decided I was going to take myself out for coffee.


"Hi" I looked at the good-looking boy in front of me.

"Hi" a cheerful voice came from behind him and I recognized the face instantly.

"Hi..." I closed my eyes momentarily trying to remember his name.

"It's Dylan" he reminded me with a smile.

"I'm sorry I'm really bad with remembering stuff"

"That's okay this is my friend Diego and that" he pointed at someone leaning against a black minicooper "Is Kevin, he's shy" he grinned.

"Nice to meet you" I said to Diego who had this strange expression on his face making me shuffle from foot to foot playing with my hands 'do you have low self-esteem?' Emmet's voice haunted my thoughts 'yes Emmet I do'

"You are the chica with the crazy boyfriend?" oh now I knew where Emmet got this Chica Chico thing.

"I don't think I know what you are talking about" I shook my head. Why am I talking to strangers?

"Your chico started a fight with Emmet the other day"

"Oh that... he's not my boyfriend"

"Then it won't be a problem if you hang out with us then" he smirked.

"Hang out with you?" what is wrong with people today?

"Emmet figured if he failed you'd be too tired to fight us off so here we are" Dylan said.

"This is crazy" I shook my head "So what you are going to do kidnap me?"

"That depends" Dylan shrugged.

"This is assault I'll call the police if you try anything" I got into my truck and cracked the window a little. "I can't make it today, I have plans, maybe some other time?" they nodded in unison not looking offended by my actions "Okay bye then"

As I was driving out I stopped next to Kevin.

"Hi Kevin, it's nice to meet you" I grinned at him, he had this flat expression on his face.

"Hi" his voice was smooth, he sounded a bit girly and his big blue eyes and slight body didn't help either.

"Well this has been embarrassing, I'll just go" I said and I watched as he reddened.

"It was nice meeting you" he gave me a micro smile.

"You should smile more, it suits you" I said before I drove off.

"Skylar finally you are back" Adrian drifted to me.

"I was just shopping a bit" I smiled sheepishly "Where's Bella?"

"She's setting up another movie"

"I still feel kind of sick I need a nap" I sighed and he raised an eyebrow.

"You look fine to me"

"Shut up" I pushed past him to go to Bella "Hey Bella I'm back"

"Oh how are you feeling now?"


"Oh my maybe you should get some sleep" she suggested much to my enjoyment, I watched Adrian roll his eyes.

"Yeah I think so too" I simpered towards Adrian and sauntered to his room to sleep.

Someone's arms wrapped around my torso making me want to turn around and see who but I already knew. "Emmet?"

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