Chapter 1

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I was driving down Denver Street at a few minutes past seven. I knew my mom would kill me if she knew I was not at home at this time but I had a crisis: my friend, Adrian had just been dumped and was sitting in a coffee shop all by himself, probably crying, I couldn't possibly leave him to fend for himself at his time of need.

As I reached the crossroads, the robot was red but there were no cars coming so I took a chance and sped forward. I wish I hadn't as I collided with something, something non-human carrying something human. I crossed the road and parked my truck by the curb and stepped out my whole body shaking.

"Shit!" I heard the person muttering.

"I'm so sorry" I hurried towards the person and then I saw a motorcycle, at least what was left of it.

Oh god what will I do? My mom will absolutely kill me, that's if this person doesn't kill me first.

"Hey, get out of the way" I could hear the person yelling but as soon as I turned around to see a huge truck coming right at me, it was honking but I couldn't move I just stood there staring wide eyed. Then something hit me. Hard. However, it wasn't the truck nor a metaphor. I fell in a heap on the side of the road, the stranger groaned.

"Shit, I think I broke my other arm"

I was trembling sweat clung to my forehead and nose and I wiped my face on my t-shirt, I couldn't speak. "Are you just gonna lay there?" the stranger asked and I got up quickly and in the soft glow of the streetlights I could see his face, it was Emmet.

Lord kill me now!

"Let me get you to the hospital" I blurted out.

"I'm fine" he shrugged then groaned in pain.

"Please let me take you to the hospital" I asked again but he shook his head and headed for his motorcycle, I watched in awe as he pulled it out of the road and sat down on the curb, cradling his left arm.

I walked quickly to my truck to retrieve my dad's golf stick.

"You are coming with me" I said pointing the golf stick at him and he laughed.

"And if I don't want to?"

"I'll break both your legs" I tried to sound stern.

"Fair" he said and got up "Lead the way" for a moment I just stood there, I couldn't believe that Emmet was going to be in my car "Are you deaf?"

"Shut up, I do the talking and you shut up" I said walking away quickly, checking every few steps if he was still following me.

I was quiet as we drove away, I was still trying to figure out how I was going to explain this to my mother. My hands gripping the starring wheel tightly, my heart was pounding and my thoughts threatened to run away with me.

I almost killed somebody.

"Who are you anyway?" he asked.

"My name is Skyler" I smiled a little glad for the distraction.

"Is it safe to assume that you are nuts?"

"Is it safe to throw you out of my car in the middle of nowhere?" I spat then he laughed and was quiet until we reached the hospital.

"Oh hey Skylar" nurse Suzie smiled

"Hey" I smiled back.

"Your mom already left"

"No I'm not here for my mother, I brought him" I pointed at Emmet "He's been in an accident"

"An accident that she caused by running me over with that death trap then trying to kill herself"

"He's traumatized and delusional" I said.

"Come this way" nurse Suzie led him away.

"You better not leave me, I have no ride home"

"I just might if you don't keep your mouth shut" I shouted after him then took a seat on the uncomfortable hospital chairs.

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