Chapter 4

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I had only a week left till my math exam and I was wound up so tight, I could barely eat nor sleep.

I was starting to look like Emmet with fatigued red eyes.

Emmet was back to ignoring me and now more than ever I payed attention to him. I saw everything, his idle eyed friend with dark hair who always wore a leather jacket and ate like a giant. His second friend had this grunge emo thing going on. his black hair always pulled in a side sweep that fell over his eyes, he wore a jacket sometimes, mostly it was long sleeves and skinny jeans and a lot of wrist bands when he decided to pull up the sleeves, he never ate much only chased the food around the plate with his plastic fork. I always saved Emmet for last because watching him left me reeling every time, he didn't have a perfect face no, he had a large scar lining his jaw almost like it had been accurately put there on purpose and he had another small scar extending from the corner of his lip giving him a very callous look. I liked the moments when one of his friends would say something and his mouth would curl into an overwhelming smile that left me almost hyperventilating.

"Come on we are going to be late" Adrian pulled at my arm as I threw Emmet one last look.

On our way in we left our papers on the English teachers desk, I was muddled how I'd been able to finish that paper in time because I'd been obsessing with math for the last two weeks.

"Quiet please" Mrs. Randall said "I take it everyone has read up to the fifth chapter"

"Yes ma'am" a few people offered as we took out the book, The Beautiful Ones Are Not Yet Born.

"Like I said last week, I'll be asking you some questions that might be asked in your exams"

Everybody seemed to straighten up in their seats, a sign that they were prepared. I wasn't.

"Miss. Rosewood"

"No!" I shook my head.

"Excuse me?" she squinted her eyes at me.


"Let's talk about the author, what do we know about the author? Miss Rosewood?" who's gonna ask that in an exam? It's not even about the guy but the story.

"Um..." I pondered for a second "he's dead" people stifled laughter.

"Besides the obvious fact"

"He wrote this book?"


"He went to Harvard and this was his first novel"

"Good when was the book published?" why is she doing this to me?

"A long time ago"

"Care to tell us the year?"

"Not really" I shook my head, I didn't know the year.

"Very well" she continued to other students who were more than happy to answer her questions.

After school came fast, I was eager to go home but the challenge was leaving the class. I felt dizzy like I was gonna fall over if I tried to move.

All of a sudden people started pouring in the class, I didn't know them but I recognized one of Emmet's friends and he was coming right at me, I wanted to get up and run but all I could do was look away weakly.

"Emmet is not here" he smirked sitting next to me.

"And?" I snapped.

"You are looking for him aren't you?"

"No I'm not, in fact I'll just go" I said and he stood up first.

Ignoring him I packed my books, there was already a teacher I didn't recognize at the front. As soon as I got up my head spun and I tottered only to have him catch me.

"Hey are you alright?" there was a hint of worry in his voice.

"I'm fine" I tried to walk and my vision went white.

My eyes flattered open and everything seemed too bright, to the side an almost blurry vision of some guy from school.

"Where am I?" I croaked.

"At the hospital" but it wasn't the boy I was looking at speaking, it was a voice I knew all too well.

I squeezed my eyes shut, I'm dreaming I told myself. "I'm dreaming" I whispered

"No, you are embarrassing yourself" the voice said again and I ignored it.

"What's going on?" I opened my eyes to look at the guy from school.

"You fainted" he smiled "but you are fine now so I'll be on my way" he got up off his seat, pulling on his leather jacket "My name is Dylan by the way" he smiled briefly and left. So now I know one of Emmet's friends.

"Nurse said you are dehydrated" Emmet moved into view.

"Okay" I said.

"Okay okay? Did you say okay? Skylar what is wrong with you?"

"What?" I looked at him in disbelief, why was he yelling at me?

"Not drinking water not eating, how could you do that?" he seethed "Do you know how worried people were?"

"What are you talking about?" he wasn't making any sense.

"Your friend thought you almost died"

"Yeah but I didn't"

"You don't get it do you?" he yelled "This is not just about you, you don't get to do things like that" he rubbed his face with his unharmed hand "You just don't" he sighed and left slamming the door.

"Skylar" I was engulfed by the glee of my friend.

"Hey Adrian"

"I was so worried" he gushed out.

"I'm fine"

"You better be the nurse called your mom"


"Yep, she is coming to pick you up"

"No" I whined.


"She can't" I shook my head.

"I'm kidding, I told her I'd drive you home"

"Thanks A"

"No probz"

My mom was still waiting for me at home, all in all. Not a good day.

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