Epilogue (Part 2)

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I sit across Reece, and Jennifer is besides him, across Nate.
"So, Reece. Is it?" Nate interrogates. "How did you two meet?"
I hold in my breath because I think that he is talking about me and Reece, but he is asking about Jennifer and Reece. I gently release out a small sigh of relief.

Reece coughs, "I actually met Jennifer on the beach."
Jennifer adds, "He ran into me, making me spill my ice cream onto him. From there, we talked to each other, exchanged phone numbers and then I knew he was the one for me." Jennifer lovingly looks into his eyes, and his places a soft kiss on her forehead.

"Yeah, what about you and Maya?" Reece asks, he looks me right in the eye, which makes me feel slightly uncomfortable. I grab ahold of Nate's hand.
"Well, we actually met at the hospital. She was a new consultant, and I wanted to talk to her. I made an excuse of visiting one of her patients, who I had operated on in the morning, and she had to come along, to inspect the healing of the patient. We both just hit off from there."
I release a tiny smile, as Nate nuzzles me in.

"Reece," I manage to utter. "After high school, where did you go?"
"I actually went to live in California, to kickstart my career. I wanted to become an actor at first, when I realised there was more to life then being the school's jock, but I've actually started modelling, for a sports magazine."
"-jock? Reece, you never told me you were a jock." Jennifer questions. "That must have been a funny sight to see."
"Yeah, it was!" I snigger.
Reece protests, "Not as funny as you being a nerd!"
Nathan and Jennifer titter.
Nate states, "Well, I need to head to the restroom, if you don't mind me interrupting."
"-me too!" Jennifer comments.
It's just me and Reece left on the table.

"What happened to you when I left?" Reece asks, to break the awkward silence.
I sincerely reply, "Same old, same old, I got over you."
"I didn't want to leave you, you know!" He furrows his brows.
I remain silent.
He justifies his past actions, "I left you, because I loved you. I wanted you to be happy, and I realised your happiness was not with me. I see that it has worked out for the better though, Nate seems like a nice match for you."

I honestly reply, before slurping into my drink, "Yes, I think it has. I mean, Jennifer is wonderful."
"Still like the skinny caramel latte, I see?" He comments.
I nod, before looking towards the lavatory. Where is Nathan?
"Remember that time when we went to Starbucks, and we talked on and on, until the store shut?" He reminisces.
"Yes, I remember that moment very clearly. But, I can't even remember what we even talked about. It's all just a distant blur."
"I remember!" He proclaims, and his face turns a deep shade of pink.
Then it hits me, I remember what we discussed, and my face also turns a deep shade of pink.
"Thank you Maya, for showing me life is not just about being popularity. It's about true love and affection. I wouldn't have grown into this man without you, Maya and for that I'm truly indebted."
"No, thank you Reece, for showing me what true love feels like."

Nate and Jennifer reappear from the restrooms.
"You two took long enough." I comment.
"We thought you two would like some time alone!"Nate responds.
"Huh?" Me and Reece say in synchrony.
"We figured that you'd need some time alone to tie up some loose ends."
Me and Reece sit down puzzled, gazing at our lovers.
"You two were together, weren't you?" Jennifer asks.
Nate tells us, "Me and Jennifer realised you needed some time to talk, and sort a few things out."
"Erm..." Reece hums. "You two are very clever, and thanks for this! I think me and Maya have sorted out our unfinished business."
"Yes," I add. "It was very nice meeting you, Reece and Jennifer."

We exchange our numbers, to keep in touch in the future. Jennifer is someone who I would like to socialise with further.
Jennifer thanks, "Maya and Nate, thank you for your help today." She holds her suitcase. "If you are ever in Manchester, come and visit us."
"You too, if you are ever in London! We should really get going, If I don't go home now I won't be able to get up for work tomorrow." I reply, "By the way, congratulations on your baby."
Me and Nate head off, with our trolley of suitcases.
Behind, I hear Reece's puzzled voice, "Baby?"
Jennifer gleefully says, "Surprise!"

I grin. I truly wish them a happy future, they deserve it.

Sitting in another taxi, I lean my head against the window.

"Maya Watson." Reece exclaims as he kneels down in a jam packed Starbucks. He pulls out a small black velvety box. "You are truly the best thing that has happened to me. You have showed me what it means to be in love, you have given me a different aspect to life. Maya Watson, would you do me the honour of..."
Everyone stops and stares.
He continues, "...Being my nerd for life?"
"Yes, Reece Knight. I do!"
The entirety of the people in the Starbucks applaud our commitment, as he's slips the ring onto my hand.

I laugh, I remember that day as though it was yesterday. We thought it would be funny to create a fake proposal in a Starbucks shop. I twist the ring on my ring finger.

I love Nathan, but Reece was my first love. My first love where I made my first mistakes, and learnt from them, where I made my first steps to adulthood, where I matured into the young graceful woman I have become.

I don't want to forget what we had because it made me who I am. At one point in history Reece Knight was my everything. He will always remain a part of my life, even if we love other people, for he taught me what love is. They say, you never forget you first love. I think 'they' are correct.

:::::::::::::::::Author's note::::::::::::::::::
Woah! How'd you like that chapter?
- Amina and Zaina

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