"I understand. I do. And I like that you feel that way. After everything happened, I felt like the air was getting thinner and thinner by second. I hated living then.-" I was paused by the door opening and closing. Sounds like Alice is home.

"Becky?! I'm back from the store. And I got the pizza. Once I showed up, the pizza guy was here." She said through the house.

"Okay, I'll be there in a minute." I told her.

"Stay here and stay quiet. I'm gonna tell her right now." I told Justin. He quickly nodded and hid under the blankets. I then went to the kitchen.

"Hey. How was your trip to the store?" I asked. I noticed she was blushing a little bit. I didn't go straight to conclusion but I think something is going on.

"It was perfect. I'm gonna go back to the store tomorrow as well. And possibly every time we need groceries." She said. Now I definitely know something is up. She hated leaving the house unless she absolutely had to.

"Alice? Did something happen while you were at the store?"

"Yes. I met one of the most perfect guys. I have his name too."

"That is great. What's his name?"

"He said his friends call him Maejor, but his real name is Brandon."

"Oh, I have heard of him before. I think he hangs with a lot of celebrities or something. I remember the name but not where I heard it from."

"He is so nice and funny. He was perfect. He understood me."

"Somebodies in love."

"N-no. . . I just like him. That's all."

"Fine. Somebody's got a crush."

"Yes. Quick question, why do I smell cologne in here?"

"Oh, I was just wearing one of the sweater's Justin let me borrow. I just never gave it back. Guys clothes is really comfortable. Also, I have a question."

"Okay. I'm listening."

"Hypothetically, what would you do if Justin and I got back together?"

"I wouldn't be happy. He broke you. You ignored me for a week. You ignored everyone. Your phone. Your friends. Scooter. Your parents. Everyone. You didn't talk to anyone. It hurt a lot of people. Even Jake wanted to talk to you. Somehow he found out about you and Justin breaking up. He wanted to talk to you but I had to tell him multiple times that you aren't seeing anyone. Especially him. I don't think you should go back to Justin. That's my opinion. You are 18. If you want to date him, you can. But, don't come to me when he breaks your heart again."

She was right. 100% correct. He would probably hurt me again. Wait, did she say parents?

"Wait, my parents were worried about me?"

"Yeah. Something about you being unusual. Probably because their anniversary was that Wednesday. They said you told them you would call every year for their anniversary and birthdays and holidays. They found it unusual so when they called, I explained to them that you were going through a rough time right now and that you would call when you were better. They were going to come out here and visit but I told them you were going to be fine so they stayed in Europe."

That's right. I did forget their anniversary. Okay, now that I know your opinion in this 'hypothetical' question, I'm gonna tell you the truth. I-I-I am d-d-dating Justin again."

I thought she would say something but she just stayed silent. After a few minutes she got a look on her face that did not look happy. I then realized she was picking up her keys and was going to leave again.

"Where are you going?" I asked.

"Rebecca, you have my opinion. You wanted it and now you have it. That is my opinion. I love you like a sister. I always have. But there are times where all I need is air and time to think. I want to be there, for you I really do, but I can't stand seeing you hurt like this. I'm sorry." She explained. After that, she was gone.

I sat down next to the counter, trying to understand what just happened. While I was thinking, Justin came into the kitchen and sat next to me with a worried look on his face. "Are you okay?" He asked.

"No. Because of the past, she won't be on board. She has always been there for me. She took a bullet for me, Justin. She could have lost her life right in that moment, but instead, she fought for her life. She fought for me. She kept going for me. All because I had to do what I wanted to do. If none of this happened, we would be fine. You would still not know I existed, you wouldn't be in all of this drama, you would be on tour with no problem, you have no worries. You would be carefree. Instead, you met me and everything changed for both of us. It's just-just-just it's just nonsense. It's something that can be avoided but isn't. It's being made over and over and over and-" I was cut off. I think Justin realized I was now crying. I felt the small tears run down my cheeks. I hated crying, but I couldn't just hold it in. If I hold it in, I start to be mean to every single person who approaches me. I wouldn't be able to live like that.

"Ssshhh. It's going to be okay. You just need to eat something. Maybe that will help. While we are eating, we can watch some Criminal Minds and drink some soda with the pizza. I'll let you sleep on my shoulder as well if you want to. I won't mind. You look tired and hungry. Just breathe. We will get through all of this. Okay?" He asked.

"Okay. That sounds good." I agreed.

"Okay, you go sit down, and I will get our plates ready."

"Okay. And thank you, Justin."

"No problem, princess."

Awwwwwwww I love it when he calls me 'princess'. It's makes me feel special.

I went to the living room and sat down on the couch to relax. Though, relaxing is kinda hard since Alice just left without saying anything. Just a few minutes after I came to the living room and got comfortable, Justin came to the couch with our food and our drinks. We then started eating and watching our marathon of Criminal Minds.  

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