Chapter Three

Começar do início

"Sang, just you wait," Gabriel says, shoving a pointed finger at me. "I will give you the best damn nickname ever," he promises. He walks away muttering to himself. I look at him curiously before moving to sit on the couch with Nathan. Nathan doesn't say anything about the space I put between us. This level of comfort in a strange home is unusual to me, but even then, I'm not ready to sit nearly snuggled up to him

A short while later, at least it feels like a short while, I'm softly shaken and my eyes pop open. I'm greeted with a warm smile and blue eyes staring back at me.

"You fell asleep on me, Peanut," Nathan tells me. It takes me a moment to process his words. I blush when the sleep webs mostly clear from my brain. Falling asleep sitting up? How embarrassing. "Gotta say, that's a new one." His befuddled tone giving me questions.

"A new what?" I ask, perplexed. He just laughs silently and shakes his head.

"Come on, let's get you to a bed," he helps me up from my seat, and I realize how tired I am when I don't have it in me to protest.

We walk down the hall that leads to the bathroom I used earlier, and walked until we hit the last door on the left.

Nathan opens the door for me and says, "This is where you'll sleep. Make yourself comfortable." I must stand there a beat too long because he adds, "You'll be fine. I'm across from the bathroom, and Sean is across from you. The others have rooms in the basement." Basement? Must've missed that.

My brain barely registers the cleanliness of the room before I'm nudged forward, and I don't need to be told twice—I am exhausted. I hobble to the bed and throw open the covers before dropping onto the mattress. I have a few moments to relish in the cloud I must be sleeping on before I drift off into nothingness.


I wake up feeling as if I could run a marathon.

Okay, not really, but that had to have been the best sleep I have ever had. This bed. I think I'm in love. I already don't want to leave its comfort. I listen for a moment to see if anyone else is awake. I determine that if there is, they must be very quiet.

I take the time that I didn't last night to take in the room. It's a beautiful room, monochromatic in color, and so very clean. From what I know of college boys, clean they are not. I guess they rarely have guests stay over so don't have reason to use this room. I don't understand why, as this bed is to die for—that is unless they all have the same bed. In my scan of the room, I spot my clothes and phone on the bedside table. My folded clothes. I turn red at the thought of one of them touching my bra.

I distract myself from that train of thought by thinking over what happened to get me to this point. Am I overreacting? I should probably just pull up my big girl pants and move on from it. I mean, mistakes happen...right? Jade probably just lost track of time. Wait, no. It was still on the couch. It could have been worse, though. It could have been my bed.

I sigh and roll over to grab my phone. Dead. Great.

A quiet groan escapes me when my bladder tells me it's time to get out of bed. With no choice but to listen to it, I roll off the mattress onto my feet. I take of my sweatshirt, slip my bra on underneath the tank and make my way to the door. As quietly as possible, I turn the door handle and slowly open the door, as if waiting for something to jump out at me. Sang, you're an idiot. When I stick my head out and find the hall completely empty, I tiptoe toward the bathroom.

I do my business quickly as I can and wash my hands. I notice a post-it with my name on it. It's attached to an unopened toothbrush. Man, these guys think of everything, don't they? I unwrap it and quickly take to cleaning my teeth. Maybe this was their subtle hint that they hate morning breath? The thought makes me chuckle a little. They were likely just being thoughtful and kind.

Do You Believe in Miracles (On Hold)Onde histórias criam vida. Descubra agora