2. Sight Of The Sun

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The next morning I was pulled out of sleep by the sun shining in my eyes and the chiming of birds that came through the open window. The air was a bit cold on my naked body, but it was wonderfully fresh. I rubbed my eyes and stretched.

"Hurry, I need to pee!" I said loudly, seeing that the bed beside me was empty. There came no response, not even when I called out his name a couple of times. I got up to check, and found the bathroom empty. That's strange, I thought to myself. It was not even eight on a Saturday morning, and my roommate was already out. I had just started wondering where he could be when I heard the tapping of shoes coming quickly towards the room.

A beep sounded, and Charlie entered. He was breathing heavily, and shining with sweat. When he saw that I was awake he leaned on the door frame casually, smirking.

"Already up?" he asked, while trying to catch his breath and play it cool at the same time. His eyes wandered down from my eyes, all the way to my feet, and back up. I felt rather uncomfortable standing only in my pants.

"Yes... May I ask where you were?"

"You already took the liberty," he said and shrugged.


"I had a nightmare, and wanted to walk it off - haven't been out long. Oh, and before I forget - you have football practice in seven minutes."

I panicked for half a second, then pulled on some black training shorts, and had just pulled an old t-shirt over my head as Raymond came barging through the door.

"Good morning," he said in his drawling voice. Matt came in behind him, dressed for practice.

"Morning boys!" Matt beamed at us.

"I see your new roommate is a morning person," Raymond said to his brother.

"Quite so," Charlie answered from his bed.

"Why have you been out so early, Charlie?" the tall boy asked, sounding suspicious yet a bit worried at the same time.

"For no particular reason. Bye bye!" Raymond looked exasperated already.

"Come on, Trevor." I put on my football shoes and followed the couple out of the room.

* * *


I didn't notice the time flying by as I scrawled down important notes and sketched out the plan in my little book, hoping it would be understandable for others even though it looked confused if you didn't focus. I would need to contact my friend again, there had been some important changes that were directly connected to him and his part, and -

I lifted my head and snapped out of my reverie as Trevor came back from practice. Had it already been two hours? His t-shirt was slung carelessly over his shoulder and his hair was damp with sweat, but his eyes were shining.

"That went great!" He said and his lips parted in a big smile, showing a strong set of slightly crooked teeth. "I'll play as striker in the first game; I stole the place of another player though, poor sod. Do you know Elina Henning? She's on the team. She's beautiful, isn't she?" Without waiting for an answer, Trevor grabbed a towel and went into the bathroom to take a shower.

I sighed in relief and spent the few minutes of silence to write down arguments both for and against dropping my plan before it was too late.

"Hey," Trevor said when he came back out, standing in the middle of the room with only a small towel around his hips.

"Are you going to stand there until I complement you?" I asked. He chuckled just as his cheeks tinged with pink.

"No, sorry." He got dressed and came back to loom over my shoulder. I closed my notebook quickly. "What are we doing today?"

"I wasn't under the impression that we were doing anything," I replied and pointed suggestively at my work. Trevor sat down on his bed with a book, but was clearly not in the mood for reading. After twenty minutes of listening to his humming I couldn't take in anymore.

"Can you stop that? You're distracting me!"

"I'm sorry! It's not on purpose! I need to do something; I can't just sit here!"

"Then leave!"

"But I don't want to walk around all alone, and I don't know anyone else here..." I sighed over-dramatically. "Please, just show me the grounds? Anything?"

"Fine. But not more than thirty minutes."

"Thank you!" Trevor beamed. I got up, and he followed me out of the building, to the surprisingly hot day outside.

"You'll probably want to see the gym," I said.

"The school has a gym? Wonderful! Do you use it?"

"Only when I have nothing better to do," I replied and walked towards the football pitch.

"Is it always open?" he asked as we went inside.

"From seven in the morning to ten in the evening every day of the week." It was empty at the moment, as most of the people that were at school for the weekend were enjoying the fine weather.

"That is surprisingly generous. Though this one isn't great..." Trevor walked around with a critical expression, judging and testing the different instruments. "To be fair, I have seen worse," he said and tapped a finger pensively on his lower lip.

"You have been training weights for a while then?"

"I started a bit when I was eight. My dad commanded me to work out with him or my older brothers." He grimaced, like the memories were unpleasant.

We left the gym soon after.

I eyed him as he took off his shirt, oblivious to the fact that he would certainly get burnt.

"Do you have many friends here? except your brother, of course," Trevor asked.

"If you think my brother is dear to me in any way you are sorely mistaken," I replied coldly.

"Any friends?"

"Humans aren't my type, I don't need friends."

"That sounds sad. How about lunch?"

"I really do find it a very useless meal. Breakfast and dinner quite suffice."

"I disagree. Would you please come with me? I'll make it up to you some other time, I promise."

"We would have to go to the village, the food the serve in the weekends is even worse than what they give us the rest of the week. It's a thirty-minute walk in there though."

"That's quite alright. So you're coming with me then?" I sighed dramatically.

"I have some business there anyway." It would be a nice opportunity to step by my friend.


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