
"Perfect, everything is exactly where it belongs."

Jonathan couldn't bear to mess up the organization in the planning room, it had been his room, and he wanted to have it stay the exact same way.

"Everything is exactly where you wanted it."


"So, what does the letter say?"

"It's from the MMB."

"Them? What do they want?"

"Looks like they got a job for us, they want to meet tonight at midnight."


"Across town, Radio Park. A few blocks from our usual spot."

"Does it say anything about the job?"

"All it says is that he had some trouble with a guy and says he'll need our help to set him straight. Says he's got a pretty hefty reward for us."

"Maybe we should take it, I mean we have been off the grid for a while. Can't have anyone thinking they can take our place."

"Are we sure that's the best idea, maybe we're not ready to take on a job like this."

"Well if we don't take it, then they'll get someone else who will. And think about what that could do to our reputation."

"So it's settled then. Radio Park at midnight. Everyone, go get ready."


"Craig, look up as much as you can about this crew, I want to make sure we can trust them."

"Yes, sir. I'm doing all I can."

"You better be, Mini. Now Tyler, any news from other gangs about this crew?"

"Not really, from what I've gathered they've just arrived in town."

"Really Tyler? Then how have they contacted us?"

"I don't Mini, maybe you should ask them."

"Shut it you two, we don't have time for this. We have a meeting tonight at the abandoned sheet metal factory at midnight with this crew. Now get to work, we need to make sure we know enough about them for our meeting tonight. So no more fighting, alright?"

"Yes sir."

"Yes sir."


With their masks on, they waited in the center of Radio Park at exactly 11:57 PM. Tyler was becoming impatient.

"How do we even know they're coming?"

"They'll be here, trust me. They haven't let us down before."


"Tyler, I said they'll be here ok? Now shut up and wait."

Just as he said that there was movement across the park. Bushes moved to reveal another masked crew as they both met in the middle.

"Nice to see you again, Nanners."

"Same to you, Delirious. It certainly has been a while since we last met. How's it been? I've heard you've been off the grid for a while."

"We've had a few issues that needed to be resolved, but it's nothing we can't handle. So what do you need from us, exactly."

"Well, you know me, always getting into trouble, right? Well, and don't get mad at me for this, I thought maybe it would be a fun prank to slip a few drops of vertigo into the drinks of a fellow crew. You know, see what those drugs can do to someone. But, unfortunately it didn't go as I planned, and my dealer thought he could swindle me."

"How does this involve us?"

"Well, if you would let me finish. Anyway, he raised the price and of course I did not appreciate that very much, so I declined. Now, this is the part I need you for. I would like you to kill this man for me."

"Sounds simple enough."

"And maybe you could get me that vertigo I wanted? Anything else in his warehouse is yours and not to mention I will pay you handsomely for this."

Jonathan looked at the guys, who all seemed to be in agreement. Jonathan nodded and turned back towards Nanners.

"I think you have yourself a deal my friend."

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