Part two: Everybody wants a kitty!

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Kitten story two-shot part 2

(Name list:
Yui: Porky (from luney toons, cause she reminds me of him)
Shu: Mozart
Reiji: Bob
Laito: Cuddles
Kanato: Pooh Bear
Ayato: Your Highness
Subaru: Sweetums
Yuma: George
Azusa: Angel
Kou: Larry
Ruki: Drill Sargent (Sarge for short)
Carla: Mario
Shin: Luigi
Samantha, Stacy, and I played with the kittens all morning and well into the afternoon too. When finally it was time for them to leave Stacy asked, "Are you really going to keep all of them?" "Yep." "But what about your parents? Won't they be mad at you?" Samantha asked putting her jacket on. I shrugged. "Probably not. They're gone most weekends anyway, and the only time I ever see is in the morning and late at night on week days. Besides they probably won't care anyway." Stacy grabbed the umbrella and Samantha opened the door. "But what if your parents do care? What are you going to do then?" I shrugged again. "We'll see when that happens, if that happens." "You know, you should let us take some home, you're staring to look like the lonely old cat lady," Stacy suggested as they walked out. "Your Dad's allergic remember?" "So?" She said. "Nobody needs thirteen kittens. You are being selfish." I rolled my eyes at her and closed the door. "Bye." After I closed the door and walked back into he living Cuddles walked over and rubbed against my leg. His soft fur tickled my leg slightly and I giggled; picking him up off the ground I held him close to my chest and walked to the couch. I put him on my lap and he snuggled into it and layed down. "You really do like to cuddle don't you?" I asked as I rubbed his back. The other kittens were all on the floor in front of the couch some were playing with each other, others had jumped up onto the couch next to me and were watching, and a few laid down and took a nap. I smiled at them all. Even if Mom and Dad say no, it'll be nice to have some company in this house, even if it is only for a few days. I thought and flipped on the tv with the remote. I sighed and leaned back on the couch and before I knew I had fallen asleep. When I woke up it was already past 6 I didn't feel like cooking dinner so I ordered out. I scrounged through the kitchen cabinets and found some cans of cooked tuna, I put it on a plate and poured some milk into a bowl. I took both and placed them on the kitchen floor; the kittens all came running in once they smelled food, all except for Mozart, Bob, and Mario. It was cute, they almost seemed like a big family. It makes me wonder what happened to their Mother. I sat at the half bar and and ate my food while they ate theirs. After we ate dinner we watched some more tv and then it was time for bed, at first, I wasn't going to let them in my room, but Mozart, Cuddles, Your Highness, and Larry were already laying on my bed when I walked out of the shower, so I shrugged it off and left them be as I laid down next to them and slept.

The next morning I woke up to the smell of coffee. 'Guess Mom and Dad are home,' I thought as I threw off the cover and followed the smell to the kitchen. "Morning Sweetheart." My Mom greeted when I walked into the room. She sat at the half bar, while my Dad leaned against the counter top slowly sipping his mug of coffee. "How was your weekend?" He asked. "Fine. How long are you staying?" I asked grabbing a glass from the cabinet and filling it with water. "Well, actually, we have the whole day off." My Mom said with a bright smile. I was surprised since their Boss is an A class jerk and doesn't usually let them take days off. "Really?" "Yes, so your mother and I were thinking about seeing a movie tonight, all three of us." Dad explained as he finished off his coffee. "That's sounds nice, but I knd of have to tell you something-" "It's decided then!" My Mother clapped her hands, "Well I have to get started on breakfast and you, young lady," She poked me in the nose, "have to get ready for school." She started to push me out of the kitchen. "But Mom I-" "No buts [Name]," My Dad said and rinsing out his mug. "Listen to your Mother." And with that I was unceremoniously kicked out of the kitchen. Shrugging the whole conversation off I went back to my room and went to brush my teeth.

I sighed as I put my books in my backpack. "I can't believe I forgot to finish my homework, maybe I can copy the twins..." Bob, who had jumped onto my desk, meowed, as if to scold me for being irresponsible. "Hey, I do not need that kind of attitude from you mister. " I said as I booped him on the nose. I laughed at the face he made and picked him up and put him onto the ground. "I have to go to school now, all of you behave while I'm gone, OK?" I went and gave all of them a goodbye smooch, scratching behind the ears of the more unfriendly ones, like Mario and Sarge. I went to the kitchen my Mom handed me a piece of buttered toast. "Uh, what's this for?" I asked confused. "To go. If you don't hurry up you'll miss the bus. Oh and here's your lunch too." She went behind me and stuffed it into my backpack. "Mom!" I said irritated, "I'll have plenty of time to catch the bus after I eat breakfast." "Oh I'm sorry sweetie your just getting so big!" She gave a hug and I looked at her like she had a screw loose. She then looked at me with tears in her eyes, I raised an eyebrow at that. "I remember when you were just a little baby, and then suddenly you could walk and talk, and read, and now here you are attending high school and- oh!" She choked back a sob and ran out of the room. I cocked my head to the side then looked at Dad who was sitting in the living room watching the news. "So~ what's wrong with Mom?" "Don't look at me I don't know a thing." "Ok..." I shrugged it off and went to eat breakfast. After putting my dishes in the dishwasher, I went into the living room and sat down next to Dad. "I don't believe, just so you know." I said looking at him from the corner of my eye. "About what?" "Mom." "Oh. Well she does have a point." He said as he grabbed the remote and switched through the channels. "About what?" "You growing up. You're more responsible and mature now." "Well, yeah, I mean I'm a senior in high school Dad." 'Kind of a no brainer.' "Of course you are, and we know that, but sometimes it's just hard for some parents to face the facts." "What facts?" "That someday you'll have to leave the nest and get a husband and get married and have children of your own." 'Woah. Marriage?! Slow down just a second there.' I did not like where this conversation was heading. "Dad, can just rewind that about ten years or so, give or take a few? Marriage? I'm still only in high school you know, what are you guys worrying about marriage for? I haven't even decided where I'm going for College?" Dad sighed and looked at me seriously. "[Name] you realize that your Mother and I love you very much and we would never do anything detrimental to you, right?" "Yeah..." "Then that's all that matters." Dad turned his attention back to the TV leaving me just really confused. "Ok then, I geuss that's the end of that." I stood up and grabbed my backpack then headed towards the door. "Oh by the way, Dad, Ikindofhavethriteenkittensstuffedinmyroomsoifyoucouldmaybefeedthembreakfastorsomethingthat'dbegreat! Gotta go, love you, bye!" I said quickly as I could and rushed out the door.

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